I am trying to connect two evaluation boards, FRDM-K66F and TWR-KV58+elevation, using the SPI interface. Trying to use the FreeRTOS example for DSPI. When i connect two FRDM-K66F boards using SPI0 on both and the freertos example, i see the data going through correctly. But when i connect the FRDM-K66F that was the slave to a TWR-KV58 (with elevation boards) to serve as the master, i don not get any indication of incoming data on the K66F side.
This is how i connected the pins:
KV58 K66F
MOSI B45 MISO J2 pin 8
MISO B44 MOSI J2 pin 10
SCK B48 SCK J2 pin 12
PCS0 B46 PCS0 J2 pin 6GND B2 GND J2 pin 14
The code is unmodified freertos_dspi example, with EXAMPLE_CONNECT_DSPI set to BOARD_TO_BOARD.
Master is built with SPI_MASTER_SLAVE isMASTER and slave is built with SPI_MASTER_SLAVE isSLAVE.
Both using SPI0
Do i need to change any configurations to make this setup work?
Hi Evgeny
Maybe your connection is wrong, it should be MOSI-MOSI, MISO-MISO
Please check the four wire connection as below.
Hi Daniel,
This is what i have in the readme.txt for frdmk66f_rtos_examples_freertos_dspi that can be found in MCUXpresso SDK for K66F:
Board settings
SPI one board:
Transfer data from instance0 to instance 1 of SPI interface.
SPI0 pins are connected with SPI1 pins of board
Pin Name Board Location Pin Name Board Location
MOSI J2 pin 10 MISO J6 pin 6
MISO J2 pin 8 MOSI J6 pin 7
SCK J2 pin 12 SCK J6 pin 5
PCS0 J2 pin 6 PCS0 J6 pin 4
So i guess it is a bit confusing....