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Kinetis Microcontrollers Knowledge Base


Hello Freedom users I have created another full board review this time for the FRDM-KL05Z always including clear instructions to program and debug your first project. I'm still working on the video version (looking for a better accent :smileyconfused:), but the commands illustrated by screen captures should be easy to follow. Freescale Freedom development platform: [FRDM-K... | element14 Enjoy Greg
KL17 reference manual V4.1 and V5.1 with updated Figure 13-2. Kinetis Bootloader Start-up Flowchart at page 179 There with modification to add "is direct boot valid" check. Please check below picture for the detailed info: The "is direct boot valid" check function is not supported for KL17 product, the correct flow chart should be below: The "is direct boot valid" check function is reserved for further parts(such as KL82), which has one bit in BCA filed to control running code in QSPI Flash or internal Flash: Thank you for the attention.
Test Environment: FRDM-KL43Z Rev. A MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0 MCUXpresso SDK for FRDM-KL43Z V2.4.1(2018-06-18) Create new project in MCUXpresso IDE select [New project...], there will pop the SDK Wizard panel, then select [frdmkl43z]: Then, click [Next] will enter into [Configure the project] panel, we can set the [Project name] and select [flexio_i2s] in [driver]: Click [Finish], the new project was created. In general, the project is based on [hello_world] project with board default console available. In [Project Explorer], we could find the <fsl_flexio_i2s.c> & <fsl_flexio_i2s.h> & <fsl_flexio.c> & <fsl_flexio.h> files in drivers folder: Edit the code The application note AN5397 detailed introduce how FlexIO emulate I2S bus communication. The MCUXpresso SDK <flexio_i2s> driver using the AN5397 showed second solution to use two timers and two shifters. Please check here to get more detailed info. The I2S signal was below, we need to use four FlexIO pins to provide: BCLK, Fss, TxData & RxData. In <pin_mux.c> file, it need to config pin function, we use PTD7 pin provide I2S BCLK clock; PTD6 pin as I2S Frame_sync pin; PTD5 pin as Tx data pin; PTD6 pin as Rx data pin; In <frdmkl43z_flexio_i2s_interrupt_tx.c>,  config flexio_i2s and config the audio frame format: Please check attached source code for the detailed project info. Test result From the actual measured I2S signal, it shows the 8 bytes was sent out:
1 Abstract      LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a concept for low cost automotive networks, which complements the existing portfolio of automotive multiplex networks. LIN is based on the UART/SCT protocol. It can be used in the area of automotive, home appliance, office equipment, etc. The UART module in NXP kinetis L series contains the LIN slave function, it can be used as the LIN slave device in the LIN bus. Because there is few LIN slave KL sample code for the customer’s reference in our website, now this document mainly take KL43 as an example, explain how to use the FRDM-KL43 board as the LIN slave node to communicate with the LIN master device. LIN master use the specific LIN module: PCAN-USB Pro FD. Master send the publisher ID and subscriber ID, slave give the according LIN data response. This document will share the according code, hardware connection and the test result. 2 LIN bus basic knowledge review         For the convenient to understand the LIN bus, this chapter simply describe the basic knowledge for LIN bus. Mainly about the LIN topology and the LIN frame. 2.1 LIN bus topology structure       LIN bus just use the simple low cost single-wire, it uses single master to communicate with multiple slaves. The bus voltage is 12V, the speed can up to 20 kbit/s. LIN network can connect 16 nodes, but in the practical usage, normally use below 12 nodes. Figure 2-1. LIN bus topology 2.2 LIN bus frame structure          LIN Frame consists of a header (provided by the master task) and a response (provided by a slave task).     Master send publisher frame: Master send header+ data +checksum; slave just receive.     Master send subscriber frame: Master send header; slave receive send data +checksum.     The following figure is the structure of a LIN frame: Figure 2-2. LIN frame structure      LIN frame is constructed of one Break field, sync byte field (0X55), PID, data and checksum. 2.2.1 Break filed and break delimiter Break filed is consist of break and break delimiter. Break should at least 13 nominal bit times of dominant value (low voltage). The break delimiter shall be at least one nominal bit time long (high voltage). Figure 2-3. break field 2.2.2 Sync byte field Sync is a byte field with the data value 0X55. The byte field is the standard UART protocol. Figure 2-4. The sync byte field 2.2.3 Protected identifier field A protected identifier field consists of two sub-fields: the frame identifier and the parity. Bits 0 to 5 are the frame identifier and bits 6 and 7 are the parity.     ID value range: 0x00-0x3f, 64 IDs in total. It determine the frame categories and direction. Figure 2-5. The sync byte field P0 = ID0 xor ID1 xor ID2 xor ID4 P1 = -(ID1 xor ID3 xor ID4 xor ID5) -is NOT。  ID can be split in three categories:   Frame categories Frame ID Signal carrying frame Unconditional frame 0x00-0x3B Event triggered frame Sporadic frame Diagnostic frame Master request frame 0x3c Slave response frame 0x3d Reserved frame   0x3e,0x3f     2.2.4 DATA       A frame carries between one and eight bytes of data. The number of data contained in a frame with a specific frame identifier shall be agreed by the publisher and all subscribers.      For data entities longer than one byte, the entity LSB is contained in the byte sent first and the entity MSB in the byte sent last (little-endian). The data fields are labeled data 1, data 2,... up to maximum data 8. 2.2.5 checksum  The checksum contains the inverted eight bits sum with carry over all data bytes or all data bytes and the protected identifier.        Classic checksum: Checksum calculation over the data bytes. Enhanced checksum: Checksum calculation over the data bytes and the protected identifier byte.  Method: eight bits sum with carry is equivalent to sum all values and subtract 255 every time the sum is greater or equal to 256, at last, the sum data do bitwise invert.  In the receive side, do the same sum, but at last, don’t do invert, then add the received checksum data, if the result is 0XFF, it is correct, otherwise, it is wrong. 3 KL43 LIN slave example    This chapter use KL43 as the LIN slave, and communicate with the specific LIN master device, realize the LIN data sending and receiving. 3.1 Hardware prepare Hardware: FRDM-KL43,TRK-KEA8,PCAN-USB Pro FD       LIN bus voltage is 12V, but the FRDM-KL43 don’t have the LIN transceiver, so we need the external LIN transceiver connect the KL43 uart, to realize the LIN voltage switch. Here we use the TRK-KEA8 on board LIN transceiver MC33662LEF for the KL43. The MC33662LEF circuit is like this:    Figure 3-1. LIN transceiver schematic 3.1.1 FRDM-KL43 and TRK-KEA8 connections      FRDM-KL43 need to connect the UART port to the LIN transceiver. The connection shows in this table: No. FRDM-KL43 TRK-KEA8 note 1 J1-2 J10-5 UART0_RX 2 J1-4 J10-6 UART0_TX 3 J3-14 J14-1 GND 3.1.2 TRK-KEA8 and LIN master connections         LIN bus is using the signal wire.  TRK-KEA8 J14_4 is the LIN wire, it should connect with the LIN wire in PCAN-USB Pro FD. GND also need to connect together.        TRK-KEA8 P1 need a 12V DC supplier. Master also need 12V DC supplier. 3.1.3 Object connection picture   Figure 3-2. Object connections 3.2 Software flow chart and code      Now describe how to realize the LIN master and the LIN slave data transfer. LIN master send a publisher frame, the slave will receive the according data. LIN master send a subscriber frame, the slave will send the data to the master. The code is based on the KSDK2.2_FRDM-KL43 lpuart, add the LIN operation code.  3.2.1 Software flow chart         Figure 3-3. Software flow chart   3.2.2 software code     Code is based on KSDK2.2_FRDM-KL43 lpuart project, add the LIN operation code, the added code is list as follows: void LPUART0_IRQHandler(void) {      if(LPUART0->STAT & LPUART_STAT_LBKDIF_MASK)      {        LPUART0->STAT |= LPUART_STAT_LBKDIF_MASK;// clear the bit        Lin_BKflag = 1;        cnt = 0;        state = RECV_SYN;        DisableLinBreak;          }     if(LPUART0->STAT & LPUART_STAT_RDRF_MASK)      {                  rxbuff[cnt] = (uint8_t)((LPUART0->DATA) & 0xff);                  switch(state)          {             case RECV_SYN:                           if(0x55 == rxbuff[cnt])                           {                               state = RECV_PID;                           }                           else                           {                               state = IDLE;                               DisableLinBreak;                           }                           break;             case RECV_PID:                           if(0xAD == rxbuff[cnt])                           {                               state = RECV_DATA;                           }                           else if(0XEC == rxbuff[cnt])                           {                               state = SEND_DATA;                           }                           else                           {                               state = IDLE;                               DisableLinBreak;                           }                           break;             case RECV_DATA:                           recdatacnt++;                           if(recdatacnt >= 4) // 3 Bytes data + 1 Bytes checksum                           {                               recdatacnt=0;                               state = RECV_SYN;                               EnableLinBreak;                           }                           break;          default:break;                                    }                  cnt++;      }     } void uart_LIN_break(void) {     LPUART0->CTRL &= ~(LPUART_CTRL_TE_MASK | LPUART_CTRL_RE_MASK);   //Disable UART0 first     LPUART0->STAT |= LPUART_STAT_BRK13_MASK; //13 bit times LPUART0->STAT |= LPUART_STAT_LBKDE_MASK;//LIN break detection enable LPUART0->BAUD |= LPUART_BAUD_LBKDIE_MASK;         LPUART0->CTRL |= (LPUART_CTRL_TE_MASK | LPUART_CTRL_RE_MASK);     LPUART0->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_RIE_MASK;     EnableIRQ(LPUART0_IRQn);    } int main(void) {     uint8_t ch;     lpuart_config_t config;     BOARD_InitPins();     BOARD_BootClockRUN();     CLOCK_SetLpuart0Clock(0x1U);     LPUART_GetDefaultConfig(&config);     config.baudRate_Bps = BOARD_DEBUG_UART_BAUDRATE;     config.enableTx = true;     config.enableRx = true;     LPUART_Init(DEMO_LPUART, &config, DEMO_LPUART_CLK_FREQ);     uart_LIN_break();     while (1)     {        if(state == SEND_DATA)        {           while((LPUART0->STAT & LPUART_STAT_TDRE_MASK) == 0); // hex mode                   LPUART0->DATA = 0X01;           while((LPUART0->STAT & LPUART_STAT_TDRE_MASK) == 0); // hex mode                   LPUART0->DATA = 0X02;           while((LPUART0->STAT & LPUART_STAT_TDRE_MASK) == 0); // hex mode                   LPUART0->DATA = 0X10;//Checksum   0X10 correct, 0xaa is wrong           recdatacnt=0;           state = RECV_SYN;           EnableLinBreak;        }     } }     4 KL43 LIN slave test result   Master defines two frames: Unconditional ID Protected ID Direction Data checksum 0X2C 0XEC subscriber 0x01,0x02 0x10 0X2D 0XAD Publisher 0x01,0x02,0x03 0x4c    Now, master send 0X2C and 0X2D data, give the test result and the according waveform. 4.1 LIN master configuration Uart baud rate is: 9600bps 4.2  Send ID 0X2C and 0X2D frame       From the PC software of LIN master, we can find 0X2D ID can send the data successfully, and 0X2C ID can receive the correct data (0x01, 0x02) and checksum (0x10) from the KL43 LIN slave side. 4.2.1 0X2D ID frame oscilloscope waveform and debug result      From the debug result, we can find the buff can receive the correct ID, data and checksum from the LIN master.    4.2.2 0X2C ID frame oscilloscope waveform 4.2.3 0X2C ID SLAVE send back the wrong checksum     From the PC software, we can find if the KL43 code modify the checksum to the wrong data 0XAA, then the PC software will display the checksum error. This is the according oscilloscope waveform for the wrong checksum data. From all the above test result. We can find, KL43 as the LIN slave, it can receive the correct data from the LIN master, and when LIN master send the subscriber ID, kl43 also can send back the correct LIN data to the master. More detail, please check the attached code project. BTW, LIN spec can be downloaded from this link:   Attached is the code and the pdf version of this document:                  
Hi everyone,      I have got customer queries on unavailability of complementary mode PWM on KL25Z . So, I thought let me experiment something and post it onto the community.      The timer module on KL25 is TPM, not FTM!. There are 3 TPMs, TPM0 with 6 channels, TPM1 and TPM2 with 2 channels each. To generate a PWM signal, PWM component can be used. But the PWM bean doesnot provide option to generate complementary PWM. So, we need to configure different channels to get the complementary PWM. Again, there is a limitation for this. PWM component doesn't allow to generate initial polarity high. It says "the inherited component doesnot support this feature". But in run time can set or clear value on the PWM output pin using the SetValue() and ClrValue(). But again the inherited component"TimerUnit_LDD" doesn't support generating SetValue() and ClrValue().      So, I came to a conclusion 'not to use PWM component' and started using Init_TPM. Using this component, 2 channels are configured to have opposite polarity during initialization. They are configured to have the same period. Deadtime is also inserted by configuring different duty cycle on each channel. But methods are not available since the component only provides the initialization function which is good enough to start . Dynamically if dutycycle needs to be changed, methods have to be written explicitly     Project and oscilloscope captures are attached for reference. Hi Note that this is also supported in the uTasker project - see See specifically the final page - this is compatible for K and KL processors. Regards Mark This document was generated from the following discussion: Complementary PWM on FRDM-KL25Z using processor expert
1.jicheng0622-AET-电子技术应用 2.wuyage-AET-电子技术应用 3.fanxi123-AET-电子技术应用
Hello Freedom community users Bheema has posted on the Element14 community a very clear tutorial (accessible following the link below) to create from scratch a basic project example featuring the SLCD of the FRDM-KL46Z with Processor Expert. Freescale Freedom development platform: [FRDM-K... | element14 Those steps should be very useful to create your own project featuring SLCD display and better understand the constraints of this peripheral. Happy SLCD Displaying Greg
Hi All, Embedded systems industry are tending to optimized their products to offers a better performance in power management, aiming for longer battery life, using low-power modes in the application without reducing functionality. With this in mind, it arises a requirement in these compact devices, power supply monitor. This document will include a brief description of some features available in different power modes of the Kinetis family and it will focus on how we can implement these features, using KSDK 2.0, to monitor power supply voltage and detect when this voltage has fallen at determined value. This document is based MCU K21 but the same principles can be applied to any Kinetis K and L family. It will use KDS 3.2 as IDE and TWR-K21F120M evaluation board as target.   Hope you can find it useful Best Regards Jorge Alcala
The KL TSI Library provides the following benefits: • Reduces time to market and development costs. Already available turn-key TSI Library for IH cooker, remote controller applications, etc. • KL TSI is a hardware touch sensing solution, without any additional peripherals, e.g. Timers, GPIO, CPU execution, as a result reduces overall system cost and size. • Enhances reliability by enabling environment adaptive algorithm, eliminating water droplet and stream influence, and filtering electromagnetic interference. • Easy to use, simplifies user interface design. Flexible TSI software library enabling customers to develop an application • FreeMaster1.4 visualizes TSI signal on screen, thus customer can debug and tune touch software simply.
The following document contains a list of documents , questions and discussions that are relevant in the community based on the amount of views they are receiving each month. If you are having a problem, doubt or getting started in Kinetis processors or MCUXpresso, you should check the following links to see if your doubt have been already solved in the following documents and discussions. MCUXpresso MCUXpresso Supported Devices Table FAQ: MCUXpresso Software and Tools  Getting Started with MCUXpresso and FRDM-K64F  Generating a downloadable MCUXpresso SDK v.2 package  Quick Start Guide – Using MCUXpresso SDK with PINs&amp;CLOCKs Config Tools  Moving to MCUXpresso IDE from Kinetis Design Studio Kinetis Microcontrollers Guides and examples Using RTC module on FRDM-KL25Z  Baremetal code examples using FRDM-K64F Using IAR EWARM to program flash configuration field Understanding FlexIO  Kinetis K80 FAQ How To: Secure e-mail client (SMTP + SSL) with KSDK1.3 + WolfSSL for FRDM-K64F  Kinetis Bootloader to Update Multiple Devices in a Network - for Cortex-M0+  PIT- ADC- DMA Example for FRDM-KL25z, FRDM-K64F, TWR-K60D100 and TWR-K70  USB tethering host (RNDIS protocol) implementation for Kinetis - How to use your cellphone to provide internet connectivity for your Freedom Board using KSDK Write / read the internal flash Tracking down Hard Faults  How to create chain of pbuf's to be sent? Send data using UDP.  Kinetis Boot Loader for SREC UART, SD Card and USB-MSD loading  USB VID/PID numbers for small manufacturers and such like  Open SDA and FreeMaster OpenSDAv2  Freedom OpenSDA Firmware Issues Reported on Windows 10 Let´s start with FreeMASTER!  The Kinetis Design Studio IDE (KDS IDE) is no longer being actively developed and is not recommended for new designs. The MCUXpresso IDE has now replaced the Kinetis Design Studio IDE as the recommended software development toolchain for NXP’s Kinetis, LPC and i.MX RT Cortex-M based devices. However, this documents continue to receive considerable amount of views in 2019 which means it could be useful to some people. Kinetis Design Studio New Kinetis Design Studio v3.2.0 available Using Kinetis Design Studio v3.x with Kinetis SDK v2.0  GDB Debugging with Kinetis Design Studio  KDS Debug Configurations (OpenOCD, P&amp;E, Segger) How to use printf() to print string to Console and UART in KDS2.0  Kinetis Design Studio - enabling C++ in KSDK projects  Using MK20DX256xxx7 with KDS and KSDK  Kinetis SDK Kinetis SDK FAQ  Introducing Kinetis SDK v2  How to: install KSDK 2.0  Writing my first KSDK1.2 Application in KDS3.0 - Hello World and Toggle LED with GPIO Interrupt 
Introduction What is a gated timer and why would I need one? A gated timer is a timer whose clock is enabled (or "gated") by some external signal.  This allows for a low code overhead method of synchronizing a timer with an event and/or measuring an event. This functionality is not commonly included on Freescale microcontroller devices (this functionality is only included on devices that are equipped with the upgraded TPM v2 peripheral; currently K66, K65, KL13, KL23, KL33, KL43, KL03) but can be useful in some situations.  Some applications which may find a gated timer useful include asynchronous digital sampling, pulse width duty cycle measurement, and battery charging. How do I implement a gated timer with my Kinetis FTM or TPM peripheral? To implement a true gated timer with a Kinetis device (that does not have the TPM v2 peripheral), additional hardware will be required to implement the enable/disable functionality of a gated timer.  This note will focus on two different ways (low-true and high-true) to implement a gated timer.  The method used will depend on the requirements of your application. Implementing a gated timer for Kinetis devices without the TPM v2 peripheral requires the use of a comparator and a resistive network to implement a gated functionality (NOTE:  Level shifters could be used to replace the resistive network described; however, a resistive network is likely more cost effective, and thus, is presented in this discussion).  Figure 1 below is the block diagram of how to implement a gated timer functionality.  The theory behind this configuration will be explained in later sections. Theory of Operation Comparator and resistive network implementation The comparator is the key piece to implementing this functionality. For those with little experience with comparators (or need a refresher), a comparator is represented by the following figure.  Notice that there are three terminals that will be of relevance in this application: a non-inverting input (labeled with a '+' sign), an inverting input (labeled with a '-' sign), and an output. A comparator does just what the name suggests: it compares two signals and adjusts the output based on the result of the comparison.  This is represented mathematically in the figure below. Considering the above figure, output of the comparator will be a  logic high when the non-inverting input is at a higher electric potential than the inverting input.  The output will be a logic low if the non-inverting input is at a lower electric potential than the inverting input.  The output will be unpredictable if the inputs are exactly the same (oscillations may even occur since comparators are designed to drive the output to a solid high or solid low).  This mechanism allows the clock enable functionality that is required to implement a gated timer function provided that either the non-inverting or inverting input is a clock waveform and the opposite input is a stable logic high or low (depending on the desired configuration) and neither input is ever exactly equal.  Comparator Configurations There are two basic signal configurations that an application can use to enable the clock output out of the comparator: low-true signals and high-true signals.  These two signals and some details on their implementation are explained in the following two sections.  Low-true enable A low-true enable is an enable signal that will have zero electric potential (relative to the microcontroller) or a "grounded" signal in the "active" state.  This configuration is a common implementation when using a push button or momentary switch to provide the enable signal.  When using this type of signal, you will want to connect the enable signal to the non-inverting input of the comparator, and connect the clock signal to the inverting input. The high level of the enable signal should be guaranteed to always be the highest voltage of the input clock plus the maximum input offset of the comparator. To find the maximum input offset of the comparator, consult the device specific datasheet.  See the figure below to see a graphical representation of areas where the signal will be on and off. The external hardware used should ensure that the low level of the enable signal never dips below the lowest voltage of the input clock plus the maximum input offset of the comparator. The following figure displays one possible hardware configuration that is relatively inexpensive and can satisfy these requirements. High-true enable A high-true enable is an enable signal that will have an electric potential equal to VDD of the microcontroller in the "active" state.  This configuration is commonly implemented when the enable signal is provided by an active source or another microcontroller.  When interfacing with this type of signal, you will want to connect the enable signal to the inverting input of the comparator, and connect the clock signal to the non-inverting input.  When the comparator is in the inactive state, it should be at or below the lowest voltage of the clock signal minus the maximum input offset of the comparator.  Refer to the following figure for a diagram of the "on" and "off" regions of the high true configurations. The external hardware will need to guarantee that the when the enable signal is in the active state, it does not rise above the highest voltage of the clock signal minus the maximum input offset of the comparator. The following figure displays one possible hardware configuration that is relatively inexpensive and can satisfy these requirements. Clocking Options Clocking waveform requirements will vary from application to application.  Specifying all of the possibilities is nearly impossible.  The point of this section is to inform what options are available from the Kinetis family and provide some insight as to when it might be relevant to investigate each option. The Kinetis family provides a clock output pin for most devices to allow an internal clock to be routed to a pin.  The uses for this option can vary.  In this particular scenario, it will be used to provide the source clock for the comparator clock input. Here are the most common clock output pin options across the Kinetis K series devices.  (NOTE:  If the application requires a clock frequency that the CLKOUT signal cannot provide, a separate FTM or TPM instance or another timer module can be used to generate the required clock.) In the Kinetis L series devices, the following options will be available. The clock option selected should be the slowest allowable clock for the application being designed.  This will minimize the power consumption of the application.  For applications that require high resolution, the Bus, Flash, or Flexbus clock should be selected (note that the Flexbus clock can provide an independently adjustable clock, if it is not being used in the application, as it is always running).  However, if the target application needs to be more power efficient, the LPO or MCGIRCLK should be used.  The LPO for the Kinetis devices is a fixed 1 kHz frequency and will, therefore, only be useful in applications that require millisecond resolutions.
You probably have heard of what's new on Kinetis side of the house. YES, talking about KL02, measuring only 1.9mm x 2.0mm. Take a look at the picture in which this powerful ARM based chip gets compared real scale, and being this tiny yet delivers 60 percent more GPIO than the nearest competing MCU. :smileygrin:!!!
ROM Bootloader KL43 chip with Kinetis Bootloader residing in the on on-chip read-only memory (ROM), can interface with USB, I2C, SPI, and LPUART peripherals in slave mode and respond to the commands sent by a master (or host) communicating on one of those ports. When KL43 chip with a blank flash, the Kinetis bootloader will execute automatically. Once the flash is programmed, the value of the FOPT field at Flash address0x40D will determine if the device boots the ROM bootloader or the user application in flash. The FTFA_FOPT [BOOTSRC_SEL] will select if boot from customer application (Flash) or boot from ROM bootloader. For example:       When Flash address 0x40D value is 0xFF, boot source is ROM bootloader;       When Flash address 0x40D value is 0x3D, boot source is Flash (Customer application). There with hardware pin(/BOOTCFG0) to control if boot from user application or ROM bootloader with FTFA_FOPT[BOOTPIN_OPT] bit . When FTFA_FOPT[BOOTPIN_OPT]  = 0, it forces boot from ROM if /BOOTCFG0 pin set to 0. blhost utility application The blhost utility is an example host program used to interface with devices running the Kinetis bootloader. The blhost application is released as part of Kinetis bootloader release package available on . The blhost application default located at C:\Freescale\FSL_Kinetis_Bootloader_1_1_0\bin\win folder. About how to use blhost application, please check KBLHOSTUG document for more detailed info. Call Rom Bootloader from customer application In general, if customer application was programmed, the boot option should be change to Boot from Flash. If customer want to call the ROM bootloader during the application running, customer can refer below example. Set a signal for application code to call the ROM bootloader, such as press a button. In this demo, we use FRDM-KL43Z board SW3 (PTC3) to call the ROM bootloader. //Initalize PTEC3 as GPIO button PORT_Init (PORTC, PORT_MODULE_BUTTON_MODE, PIN_3, 0, NULL); GPIO_Init (GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_INPUT, PIN_3); The bootloader entry point for customer application to call the ROM bootloader.  //prototype of the entry point definition void run_bootloader(void * arg); //Variables uint32_t runBootloaderAddress; void (*runBootloader)(void * arg);   // Read the function address from the ROM API tree. runBootloaderAddress = **(uint32_t **)(0x1c00001c); runBootloader = (void (*)(void * arg))runBootloaderAddress; in <main.c> routine to call the ROM bootloader:   while (1)   {     if ((GPIOC_PDIR & (1 << 3)) == 0)     {       // Start the bootloader. runBootloader(NULL);     }   } Press SW3 button of FRDM-KL43Z board will call ROM bootloader.  Customer could continue to debug the code until the ROM bootloader be called. If customer debug into the runBootloader(NULL) function, there will stop at fixed address: 0x1C00_00C0. In fact, during call the ROM bootloader function , there will setting some parameters and then reset the KL43. When KL43 back from reset, it will boot from ROM bootloader. That reset will cause debugger disconnect with the KL43 product. More detailed info, please check attached demo code. BTW: The demo project is [frdm_led_test] inside of KL43 baremetal sample code, which could be downloaded from here.
Introduction Even with the prevalence of universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) peripherals on microcontrollers (MCUs), bit banged UART algorithms are still used.  The reasons for this vary from application to application.  Sometimes it is simply because more UARTs are needed than the selected device provides.  Maybe application or layout restrictions require certain pins to be used for the UART functions but the device does not route UART pins to the required package pins.  Maybe the application requires a non-standard or proprietary UART scheme. Whatever the reason, there are applications where a bit banged UART is used and is typically a pure software implementation (a timer is used and the MCU core controls a GPIO pin directly).  A better alternative may be to use Flextimer (FTM) or Timer/PWM Module (TPM) to take advantage of the features of these peripherals and possibly offload the CPU.  This document will explain and provide a sample application of how to emulate a UART using the FTM or TPM peripheral.  A Kinetis SDK example (for the TWR-K22F120M and FRDM-K22F platforms) and a baremetal legacy code example (for the FRDM-KL26Z) are provided here. UART protocol Before creating an application to emulate a UART, the UART protocol and encoding must be understood. The UART protocol is an asynchronous protocol that typically includes a start bit, payload (of 7-10 data bits), and a stop bit but does allow for many variations on the number of stop bits and what/how to transfer the data.  For this document and application example, the focus will be UART transmission that follows 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.  The data will be transmitted least significant bit (LSB) first.  The following image is a block diagram of this transmission. However, this doesn't specify what the transmission looks like electrically. The figure below shows a screenshot of an oscilloscope capture of a UART transmission.  The data transmitted is 0x55 or a "U" in the ASCII representation. Notice that the transmission line is initially a logic high, and then transitions low to signal the start of the transmission.  The transmission line must stay low for one bit width for the receiver to detect it.  Then there are 8 data bits, followed by 1 stop bit.  In the case shown above, the data bits are 0x55 or 0b0101_0101.  Remember that the transmissions are sent LSB first, so the screenshot shows 1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0.  The last transition high marks the beginning of the stop bit and the line remains in that state until the start of the next transmission.  The receiver, being asynchronous, does not require any type of identifying transition to mark the end of the stop bit. FTM/TPM configuration The first question many may ask when beginning a project like this is "How do I configure the FTM/TPM when emulating a UART".  The answer to this depends on the aspect of this problem you are trying to solve.  Transmitting and receiving characters require two different configurations.  Transmission requires a configuration that manipulates the output pin at specific points in time.  Receiving characters requires a configuration that samples the receive pin and measures the time between pin transitions.  The FTM and TPM have the modes listed in the following table: The FTM and TPM have four different modes that manipulate an output:  Output compare (no pulse), Output compare (with pulse), Edge-aligned PWM, and Center-aligned PWM.  Neither PWM mode is ideal for the requirements of the application.  This is because the PWM modes are designed to produce a continuous waveform and are always going to return to the initialized state once during the cycle of the waveform.  However, the UART protocol may have continuous 1's or 0's in the data without pin transitions between them. The output compare mode (high-true or low-true pulse modes) is designed to only manipulate the pin once, and only produces pulses that are one FTM/TPM clock cycle in duration.  So this is obviously not desirable for the application.  The output compare mode (Set/Clear/Toggle on match) is promising.  This mode manipulates the output pin every cycle.  There are three different options:  clear output on match, set output on match, and toggle output on match.  Neither "clear output on match" nor "set output on match" are ideal as either would require configuration changes during the transmission of a character.  The "toggle output on match", however, can be used and is the selected configuration mode for this sample application. To receive characters, there is only one mode that is intuitive:  "the input capture mode".  This mode records the timer count value on an edge transition of the selected input pin.  Similar to the output compare mode chosen for the transmit functionality, the input capture mode has three sub-modes:  capture on rising edge, capture of falling edge, and capture on either edge.  It is clear from the descriptions that capture on either edge should be selected. Transmit encoding The selection of the FTM/TPM mode is moderately intuitive, but using this mode to emulate a UART transmission is not.  There are two issues that make this a little tricky. 1) The output pin is initialized low. However, the UART protocol needs the pin to begin in a logical high state. 2) The pin transitions on every cycle provided the channel value is less than the value of the MOD register. Due to continuous strings of 1's or 0's, it is necessary to have periods where the pin does not transition. Both of these points have workarounds. Output pin initialization For the first issue, the channel interrupt is first enabled and the channel value register is loaded with a value much less than the value in the MOD register.  Then in the channel interrupt service routine, the pin is sampled to ensure that it is in the logic high state and the channel interrupt is disabled (and will not be re-enabled throughout the life of the application).  The code for this interrupt service routine is as follows. Output pin control For the second issue, a method of not transitioning the pin value while allowing the timer to continue counting normally is necessary.  The Output Compare mode uses the channel value register to determine when the pin transition occurs.  If a value greater than MOD is written to the channel value register, the channel value will never match the count register and thus, a pin transition will never occur.  So, when a series of continuous 1's or 0's need to be transmitted, a value greater than the value in the MOD register can be written to the channel value register to keep the output pin in its current state. However, when a value greater than MOD is written to the channel value register, no channel match will occur (which means channel interrupts will not occur).  So the timer overflow interrupt must be used to continue writing values.  This requires the updates to be output pin to be planned ahead of time and makes the transmission algorithm a little tricky.  The following diagram displays when which values should be written to the channel value register at which points in time to generate the appropriate pulses. Writing a function to translate a number into the appropriate series of MOD/2 and MOD+1 values can be a little tricky. To do this, we must first notice that MOD/2 needs to be written when changes on the transmission pin are need and MOD+1 needs to be written when pin transmissions are not desired.   So, what logical function can we use to determine when a change has happened?  XOR is the correct answer.  So what two values need to be XOR'd together?  One value is obviously the value that we want to send.  But what is the second value?  It turns out that the second value is a shifted version of the value that we want to send.  Specifically, the second value is the desired value to send shifted to the left by one.  (You can think of it as sort of a "future" value of the desired value).  The following pictures show how to determine the queue to use for the transmission. Receive decoding The receive functionality has an advantage over the transmit functions in that it is possible to use DMA for the reception of characters.  This is because the receive function takes advantage of the input capture functionality of the FTM / TPM and therefore can use the channel match interrupt.  The example application provided with this document implements a DMA method and a non-DMA method for reception. First, the non-DMA method will be discussed. Before discussing the specifics of gathering the input pulse widths, some details of the receive pin need to be discussed. Detecting the start bit The receive pin needs to be able to determine when the start of the packet transmission begins.  To do this, the receive pin is configured as an FTM / TPM pin. At the same time, the GPIO interrupt functionality is configured on the same pin for a falling edge interrupt.  The GPIO interrupt capabilities are enabled in any digital mode, so the GPIO interrupt will still be able to be routed to the Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC).  The pin interrupt is used to start the FTM / TPM clock when a new character reception begins. In the GPIO interrupt for this pin, the FTM / TPM counter register is reset and the clock to the FTM / TPM is turned on.  The code for the GPIO interrupt service routine is shown below.  Receiving characters without DMA Now, when receiving characters and not using DMA, the first thing to understand is that the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) will be used and it will mainly be used to record the captured count values.  The interrupt service routine also tracks the current receive character length and resets the counter register.  This is so that the values in the receive queue reflect the time since the last pin transition.  The interrupt function for the non-DMA application is shown below. Notice that the first two actions in the ISR are resetting the count register, and clearing the channel event interrupt flag.  Then the channel value is stored in the receive pulse width array (this is simply an array that holds the receive pulse widths of the current character being received).  Next, recvQueueLength, the variable which holds the current length of the character being received, is updated to reflect the latest character length.  The next step is to determine if the full character has been received.  This is determined by comparing recvQueueLength to the RECV_QUEUE_THRESH, which is the threshold as determined by multiplying the number of expected bits by the expected bit width plus another bit width (for the start bit).  If the recvQueueLength is greater than the RECV_QUEUE_THRESH, then a semaphore is set, recvdChar, to indicate that a full character has been received.  The FTM / TPM clock is turned off, and the pin interrupt functionality of the receive pin is enabled.  The final step in the interrupt routine is to increment the receive queue index, recvQueueIndex.  This variable points to the current entry in the receive queue array. Using DMA to receive characters When using DMA, the receive FTM / TPM interrupt is much different. The interrupt routine simply needs to clear the channel interrupt flag, stop the FTM / TPM timer, disable the DMA channel, and set the received character semaphore.  The character is then decoded outside of the interrupt routine.  The interrupt function when using DMA is shown below: Decoding the received pulse widths Once the array of pulse widths has been populated, the received character needs to be translated into a single number.  This varies slightly when using DMA and when not using DMA. However, the basic principle is the same.  The number of bits in a single entry is determined by dividing by the expected bit width and this is translated into a temporary array that contains 1's and 0's, and then that is used to shift in the appropriate number of 1's and 0's into the returned char variable.  A temporary array is needed because the values are shifted into the UART LSB first, so the bit must be physically flipped from the first entry to the last.  There is no logical operation that will do this automatically. The algorithm to perform this translation is shown below.  In this algorithm, note that recvPulseWidth is the array that contains the raw count value of the pulse width.  The array tempRxChar holds the decoded character in reverse order and rxChar is a char variable that holds the received character. Conclusion This document provides an overview of the UART protocol and describes a method for creating a software UART using the timing features of the FTM or TPM peripheral.  This method allows for accurate timing and while not relying entirely on the CPU and the latency associated with the interrupt and the GPIO pins.  The receive function is open to further optimization by using DMA, which can provide further unloading of the CPU.
The attached zip file contains software that accompanies the document UART Emulation Using the FTM or TPM.  It contains two sample applications:  one that uses the TPM, and one that uses the FTM. The TPM example targets the FRDM-KL26Z development board and is written in baremetal code.  The FTM example targets the TWR-K22F120M and FRDM-K22F and is written using the Kinetis SDK 1.0 release.  Installation instructions are contained within the zip package. Unzip the package to an empty folder and then copy the appropriate folders to the the appropriate locations on your PC per the instructions located in the zip file. 
New 32-bit MCUs designed to transform consumer and industrial applications currently using legacy 8- and 16-bit architectures SAN ANTONIO, Jun 19, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Freescale Semiconductor FSL +0.80% is now offering alpha samples of its Kinetis L series, the industry's first microcontrollers (MCUs) built on the  ARM(R) Cortex(TM)-M0+ processor. Kinetis L series devices are on display this week at the Freescale        Technology Forum (FTF) Americas and were demonstrated during the event's opening keynote address. As machine-to-machine communication expands and network connectivity  becomes ubiquitous, many of today's standalone, entry-level applications will require more intelligence and functionality. With the Kinetis  L series , Freescale provides the ideal opportunity for users of legacy 8- and 16-bit architectures to migrate to 32-bit platforms and bring additional intelligence to everyday devices without increasing power  consumption and cost or sacrificing space. Applications, such as small  appliances, gaming accessories, portable medical systems, audio systems, smart meters, lighting and power control, can now leverage 32-bit capabilities and the scalability needed to expand future product lines -- all at 8- and 16-bit price and power consumption levels. "In our view, 8- and 16-bit development has reached the end of the road. Those architectures simply can't keep up as the Internet of Things gains traction," said Geoff Lees, vice president and general manager of Freescale's Industrial & Multi-Market MCU business. "Kinetis L series MCUs are ideal for the new wave of connected applications, combining the required energy efficiency, low price, development ease and small  footprint with the enhanced performance, peripherals, enablement and scalability of the Kinetis 32-bit portfolio." Extreme energy efficiency The ARM Cortex-M0+ processor consumes approximately one-third of the energy of any 8- or 16-bit processor available today, while delivering  between two to 40 times more performance. The Kinetis L series supplements the energy efficiency of the core with the latest in  low-power MCU platform design, operating modes and energy-saving peripherals. The result is an MCU that consumes just 50 uA/MHz* in very-low-power run (VLPR) mode and can rapidly wake from a reduced power state, process data and return to sleep, extending application battery life. These advantages are demonstrated in the FTF demo, which compares the energy-efficiency characteristics of the Kinetis L series against solutions from Freescale competitors in a CoreMark benchmark analysis.        The Kinetis L series is also part of the Freescale Energy-Efficient Solutions program. Kinetis L series energy-saving peripherals do more with less power by maintaining functionality even when the MCU is in deep sleep modes. In traditional MCUs, the main clock and processor core must be activated to perform even trivial tasks such as sending or receiving data, capturing or generating waveforms or sampling analog signals. Kinetis L series peripherals are able to perform these functions without involving the core or main system, drastically reducing power consumption and improving battery life. Built using Freescale's innovative, award-winning flash memory technology, the Kinetis L series offers the industry's lowest-power flash memory implementation. This improves upon the conventional silicon-based charge storage approach by creating nano-scale silicon islands to store charge instead of using continuous film, improving the flash memory's immunity to typical sources of data loss. "The Internet of Things needs very low-cost, low-power processors that        can deliver good performance," said Tom R. Halfhill, a senior analyst        with The Linley Group and senior editor of Microprocessor Report. "As  the first 32-bit microcontrollers to use ARM's Cortex-M0+ processor core, Freescale's Kinetis L-series MCUs will bring the energy efficiency and prices typically associated with 8- and 16-bit MCUs to a broad range of consumer and industrial applications." Development simplicity The Kinetis L series addresses the ease-of-use requirement critical for entry-level developers through innovations including: -- The Freescale Freedom development platform, a small, low-power, cost-efficient evaluation and development system for quick application prototyping and demonstration. It combines an industry-standard form factor with a rich set of third-party expansion board options. An integrated USB debug interface offers an easy-to-use mass-storage device mode flash programmer, a virtual serial port and classic programming and run-control capabilities. -- Processor Expert software, a GUI-based, device-aware software generation tool that eliminates the need to write peripheral start-up code or device drivers. Helps developers easily migrate from 8- and 16-bit to 32-bit solutions by simplifying the software architecture and  dramatically reducing application development time. --  The Kinetis MCU Solution Advisor, a web-based application with an interactive MCU product selector that helps identify the best-suited MCU by applying dynamic filters based on operating characteristics, packaging options, memory configuration and peripheral hardware library. Integration and scalability Each Kinetis L series family includes scalable flash memory options, pin-counts and analog, communication, timing and control peripherals, providing easy migration paths for end product line expansion. Features common to the Kinetis L series families include: --         48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ core --         High-speed 12/16-bit analog-to-digital converters --         12-bit digital-to-analog converters --         High-speed analog comparators --         Low-power touch sensing with wake-up on touch from reduced power states --         Powerful timers for a broad range of applications including motor control The first three Kinetis L series families: --         Kinetis L0 family -- the entry point into the Kinetis L series. Includes eight to 32 KB of flash memory and ultra-small 4mm x 4mm QFN packages. Pin-compatible with the Freescale 8-bit S08P family. Software- and tool-compatible with all other Kinetis L series families. --         Kinetis L1 family -- with 32 to 256 KB of flash memory and  additional communications and analog peripheral options. Compatible with the Kinetis K10 family. --         Kinetis L2 family -- adds USB 2.0 full-speed host/device/OTG. Compatible with the Kinetis K20 family. The Kinetis L series is pin- and software-compatible with the Kinetis  K series (built on the ARM Cortex-M4 processor), providing a migration path to DSP performance and advanced feature integration. Availability and pricing Kinetis L series alpha samples are available now, with broad market sample and tool availability planned for Q3. Pricing starts at a suggested resale price of 49 cents (USD) in 10,000-unit quantities. The Freescale Freedom development platform is planned for Q3 availability at  a suggested resale price of $12.95 (USD). For more information about Kinetis L series MCUs, visit    . *Typical current at 25C, 3V supply, for Very Low Power Run at 4MHz core  frequency, 1MHz bus frequency running code from flash with all peripherals off. About the Freescale Technology Forum Created to drive innovation and collaboration, the Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) has become one of the developer events of the year for the embedded systems industry. The Forum has drawn more than 48,000 attendees at FTF events worldwide since its inception in 2005. Our annual flagship event, FTF Americas, takes place June 18-21, 2012, in San Antonio, Texas. About Freescale Semiconductor Freescale Semiconductor  FSL +0.80% is a global leader in embedded processing solutions, providing industry leading products that are advancing the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. From microprocessors and microcontrollers to sensors, analog integrated  circuits and connectivity -- our technologies are the foundation for the innovations that make our world greener, safer, healthier and more connected. Some of our key applications and end-markets include automotive safety, hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical  devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices. The company is  based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development,        manufacturing and sales operations around the world. Freescale, the Freescale logo, Energy Efficient Solutions logo, Kinetis  and Processor Expert are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.,  Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. ARM is the registered trademark of ARM  Limited. Cortex is the trademark of ARM Limited. All other product or  service names are the property of their respective owners. (C) 2012   Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: SOURCE: Freescale Semiconductor
How to byte program SPI flash via QSPI QSPI module are used in many Kinetis MCU, like K8x, K27/28 and KL8x. QSPI expands the internal flash range and can run in a fast speed. Compared to DSPI, QSPI is very complex and often takes a lot of time to learn. In KSDK there are two QSPI demo which shows how to program SPI flash in DMA mode and polling mode. Both of them program the QSPI flash with a word type array. But can the QSPI module program SPI Flash in byte? Yes, this article shows how to do it. Device: FRDM_KL82Z Tool: MCUXpresso IDE Debug firmware: JLINK I build the test project base on KL82 SDK/driver_example/qspi/polling_transfer. To byte program SPI flash, a new LUT item must be added. uint32_t lut[FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_LUT_DEPTH] =    {/* Seq0 :Quad Read */          /* CMD:       0xEB - Quad Read, Single pad */          /* ADDR:       0x18 - 24bit address, Quad pads */          /* DUMMY:     0x06 - 6 clock cyles, Quad pads */          /* READ:       0x80 - Read 128 bytes, Quad pads */        …        …        [32] = QSPI_LUT_SEQ(QSPI_CMD, QSPI_PAD_1, 0x02, QSPI_ADDR, QSPI_PAD_1, 0x18),        [13] = QSPI_LUT_SEQ(QSPI_WRITE, QSPI_PAD_1, 0x1, 0, 0, 0),        …        /* Match MISRA rule */        [63] = 0}; This item tells system how to program a single byte. Then when we write the data to TxBuffer, we must write the byte 4 times. This is because a write transaction on the flash with data size of less than 32 bits will lead to the removal of four data entry from Txbuffer. The valid bit will be used and the rest of the bits will be discard. Then before we start programming, we must set the data size.      QSPI_SetIPCommandSize(EXAMPLE_QSPI,1);   After byte program, we can see the result from 0x68000000. Attachment is the demo project. You can find that 0x03 was written to 0x68000005 after running.
Customer requirement and making it happen This hands-on test is coming with the true customer requirement. Customer designs the battery powered device with SLCD display and lowest power consumption is the key requirement. Customer considers the KL43 and wonder the power consumption data about RTC & SLCD modules. So there with below requirements about the test: Run the RTC and SLCD in the lowest possible power mode Display time at SLCD with [00:00] and update every minute via RTC interrupt               One button shall turn on/off the SLCD display Measure the KL43 power consumption data KDS IDE with KSDK V2.0 software According to above requirement, which low power mode should be selected? RTC and SLCD modules should work at this low power mode. From the KL43 reference manual table 7-2 [Module operation in low power modes] with below info:      5. In VLLS0 the only clocking option is from RTC_CLKIN.      7. End of Frame wakeup not supported in LLS and VLLSx. RTC and SLCD modules could work at VLLS1 low power mode with Async operation. Using VLLS1 low power mode, the RTC and SLCD module clock could select OSC32KCLK with below clocking figure: KL43 wake up from VLLS1 low power mode following wake up reset and the software will check the system reset status register to check what kind of reset happens and print related info. LLWU module is used as VLLS1 lower power mode wake up module with two wake up source, one is RTC Alarm interrupt, the other one is PTC3 (SW3). The Reset pin (SW2) also could wake up the VLLS1 low power mode. Test environment introduction Hardware platform using FRDM-KL43Z board with below feature: MKL43Z256VLLZ4 MCU (48 MHz, 256 KB flash memory, 32 KB RAM, 16 KB ROM Dual role USB interface with mini-B USB connector OpenSDA Four-digit segment LCD module Capacitive touch slider Ambient light sensor MMA8451Q accelerometer MAG3110 magnetometer 2 user push buttons Battery-ready, power-measurement access points Arduino R3 compatibility Software platform bases on KSDK V2.0 for FRDM-KL43Z board, which could be downloaded from Attached demo software default path is: C:\Freescale\SDK_2.0_FRDM-KL43Z\boards\frdmkl43z Test software code introduction Below is the software flow chart: Test result SLCD ON with power consumption 2.0uA SLCD OFF with power consumption 1.2uA
1. How Calibration works There are three main sub-blocks important in understanding how the Kinetis SAR module works.  There is a capacitive DAC, a comparator, and the SAR engine that controls the module. Of those blocks, the DAC is most susceptible to variations that can cause linearity problems in the SAR. The DAC is architected with three sets of binary weighted capacitors arrayed in banks, as in Figure 1. The capacitors that represent the most significant bits of the SAR (B15:B11) are connected directly to the inputs of the comparator. The next bank of five capacitors (B10:B6) is connected to the top plate of the MSB array through an intentionally oversized scaling capacitor. The final six capacitors that makeup the least significant bits of the SAR (B5:B0) are correspondingly connected to the top plate of the middle bank of capacitors through another scaling capacitor. Figure 1. Arrangement of DAC capacitors Only the MSB capacitor bank is calibrated. Because the first scaling capacitor is intentionally oversized, each of the non-calibrated MSB capacitors will have an effective capacitance too small to yield accurate results. However, because they are always too small, we can measure the amount oferror that each of those capacitors would cause individually, and add that back in to the result. Calibration starts with the smallest of the LSB capacitors, B11. The SAR samples Vrefl on all of the capacitors that are lower-than or equal-to the capacitor under test (CUT), while connecting all of the smaller capacitors to Vrefh. The top plate of all of the MSB capacitors is held at VDDA while this happens. After the sampling phase is complete, the top plates of the MSB capacitors are allowed to float, and the bottom plates of the MSBs not under test are connected to Vrefl. This allows charge to redistribute from the CUT to the smaller capacitors. Finally, an 11 bit SAR algorithm (corresponding with the 11 capacitors that are smaller than the MSB array) is performed which produces a result that indicates the amount of error that the CUT has compared to an ideally sized capacitor. This process is repeated for each of the five MSBs on both the plus side and minus side DACs and the five error values that are reported correspond to the five MSBs accordingly. All of these error values are about the same magnitude, with a unit of 16-bit LSBs. See Figure 2 for an example. Figure 2. Example of calibration on bit 11 The DAC MSB error is cumulative. That is, if bit 11 of the DAC is set, then the error is simply the error of that bit. However if bit 12 of the DAC is set, the total error is equivalent tothe error reported on bit 12, plus the error reported on bit 11. For each MSB the error is calculated as below, where Ex is the error found during the calibration for its corresponding MSB bit: When bit 11 of the DAC is set: CLx0 = E0. When bit 12 of the DAC is set: CLx1 = E0+E1. When bit 13 of the DAC is set: CLx2 = E2 + E1 + 2E0. When bit 14 of the DAC is set: CLx3 = E3 + E2 + 2E1 + 4E0. When bit 15 of the DAC is set: CLx4 = E4 + 2E3 + 4E2 + 8E1 + 16E0 Figure 3. Effect of calibration error on ADC response These are the values that are then placed in each of the CLxx calibration results registers. Figure 3 shows how the errors would accumulate if all of the CLxx registers were set to zero. The offset and gain registers are calculated based on these values as well. Because of this, the gain and offset registers calibrate only for errors internal to the SAR itself. Self calibration does not compensate for board or system level gain or offset issues. 2. Recommended Calibration Procedure From the above description it is evident that the calibration procedure is in effect several consecutive analog to digital conversions. These are susceptible to all of the same sources of error of any ADC conversion. Because what is primarily being measured is the error in the size of the MSB capacitors; the recommendation is to configure the SAR in such a way as to make for the most accurate conversions possible in the environment that the SAR is being calibrated in. Noise is the primary cause of run-to-run variation in this process,so steps should be taken to reduce the impact of noise during the calibration process. Such as: All digital IO should be silent and unnecessary modules should be disabled. The Vrefh should be as stable and high a voltage as possible, since higher Vrefh means larger ADC code widths. An isolated Vrefh pin would be ideal. Lacking that, using an isolated VDDA as the reference would be preferable to using VREFO. The clock used should be as noise free as possible, and less than or equal to 6 MHz. For this purpose the order of desirable clock sources for calibration would be OSC > PLL > FLL > ASYNC The hardware averaging should be set to the maximum 32 samples. The Low Power Conversion bit should be set to 0. The calibration should be done at room temperature. The High Speed Conversion and Sample Time Adder will not have much effect in most situations, and the Diff and Mode bits are completely ignored by the calibration routine. The calibration values should be taken for each instance of the SAR on a chip in the above conditions. They should be stored in nonvolatile memory and then written into their appropriate registers whenever the ADC register values are cleared. In some instances, the system noise present will still cause the calibration routine to exhibit greater than desired run-to-run variation. One rule of thumb would be to repeat calibration several times and look at the CLx0 registers. If the value reported in that register varies by more than three, the following procedure can be implemented. Run the calibration routine several times. Twenty to forty times. Place the value of each of the calibration registers into a corresponding array. Perform a bubble sort on each array and find the median value for each of the calibration registers. Use  these median values as described for typical calibration results.
La serie Kinetis L es una combinación de eficiencia energética, escalabilidad, valor y facilidad de uso que revolucionará el mercado de microcontroladores de nivel básico. Ofrece a los usuarios de arquitecturas heredadas de 8 y 16 bits una ruta de migración hacia la gama de microcontroladores Kinetis de 32 bits y les permite aumentar el rendimiento y ampliar la funcionalidad de sus productos finales sin incrementar el consumo de energía ni los costes del sistema. La serie Kinetis L se compone de cinco familias de microcontroladores: KL0, KL1, KL2, KL3 y KL4. Cada familia combina excelentes corrientes dinámicas y de parada con una capacidad extraordinaria de procesamiento, una amplia selección de memorias flash y una gran variedad de opciones analógicas, de conectividad y de periféricos HMI. La familia KL0 es compatible en pines con la familia S08Px de 8 bits (lo que tiende un puente entre el desarrollo de 8 bits y la cartera Kinetis) y compatible en software con otras familias de la serie Kinetis L. Las familias KL1, KL2, KL3 y KL4 presentan una compatibilidad mutua en hardware y software, además de ser compatibles con sus equivalentes de la serie Kinetis K basada en el Cortex-M4 (KL1 -> K10, KL2 -> K20…). De este modo, los desarrolladores disponen de una ruta de migración ascendente/descendente hacia mayor/menor rendimiento, memoria y funcionalidad integrada, lo que les permite reutilizar el hardware y el software en todas las plataformas de productos finales y reducir el tiempo necesario para la comercialización. Las primeras familias disponibles en el mercado serán KL0, KL1 y KL2 a finales de septiembre de 2012. La disponibilidad de las familias KL3 y KL4 está prevista para el primer trimestre de 2013. Procesador ARM Cortex-M0+ El procesador ARM Cortex-M0+ ofrece niveles más altos de eficiencia energética y de rendimiento y es más fácil de usar que su antecesor, el Cortex-M0. En cuanto a las instrucciones, mantiene plena compatibilidad con todos los demás procesadores de la clase Cortex-M (Cortex-M0/3/4), por lo que los desarrolladores pueden reutilizar sus compiladores y herramientas de depuración existentes. Principales características: 1,77 coremarks/MHz: entre 2 y 40 veces más que los microcontroladores de 8/16 bits, un 9 % más que el Cortex-M0. Coremarks/mA: entre 2 y 50 veces más que los microcontroladores de 8/16 bits, un 25 % más que el Cortex M0. Pipeline de 2 etapas: reducidos ciclos por instrucción (CPI), lo que permite instrucciones de bifurcación y entradas ISR más rápidas. MTB (Micro Trace Buffer): solución ligera y no intrusiva; la información del rastreo se guarda en una pequeña área de la SRAM del microcontrolador (tamaño definido por el programador), lectura a través de SWD/JTAG. Amplio soporte para el entorno ARM. Acceso E/S monociclo: frecuencia de conmutación de la interfaz GPIO un 50 % más alta que la de la E/S estándar, lo que mejora el tiempo de respuesta a eventos externos y permite manipular bits (bit-banding) y emular protocolos de software. Espacio de direcciones lineal de 4 GB: elimina esquemas de paginación complejos y simplifica la arquitectura de software. Solamente 56 instrucciones: mayoritariamente codificadas en 16 bits; opción para MUL rápida de 32 x 32 bits en un ciclo. Conjunto de instrucciones: totalmente compatible con el procesador Cortex-M0, subconjunto de instrucciones del procesador Cortex-M3/4. La mejor densidad de códigos de su categoría en comparación con arquitecturas de 8/16 bits; menor tamaño de memoria flash y reducción del consumo de energía; mayor rendimiento que sus equivalentes de 8 y 16 bits. Acceso a la memoria del programa; reducción del consumo de energía. Familias de microcontroladores de la serie Kinetis L Los microcontroladores de la serie Kinetis L se basan en la funcionalidad del procesador ARM Cortex-M0+, que presenta un diseño de plataforma de bajo consumo energético así como modos operativos y dispositivos periféricos que ahorran energía. El resultado es un microcontrolador que ofrece la mejor eficiencia energética de la industria, consume menos de 50 μA/MHz en el modo VLPR (Very Low Power Run) y puede despertarse rápidamente desde el estado de reposo, procesar datos y restablecer el modo de reposo, lo cual alarga la vida útil de la batería en las aplicaciones. Para ver una demostración de la eficiencia energética de la serie Kinetis L, visite Familias de microcontroladores: Familia KL0: la puerta de entrada a la serie Kinetis L; microcontroladores de 8-32 kB y de 24-48 pines, compatibles en pines con la familia S08P de 8 bits y en software con todas las demás familias de la serie Kinetis L. Familia KL1: microcontroladores de 32-256 kB y de 32-80 pines con comunicaciones adicionales y periféricos analógicos, compatibles en hardware y software con todas las familias de la serie Kinetis L y con la familia K10 (CM4) de la serie K. Familia KL2: microcontroladores de 32-256 kB y de 32-121 pines con USB 2.0 de máxima velocidad tipo host/device/OTG, compatibles en hardware y software con todas las familias de la serie Kinetis L y con la familia K20 (CM4) de la serie K. Características comunes a todas las familias de microcontroladores de la serie Kinetis L: Procesamiento extremadamente eficiente Procesador ARM Cortex-M0+ de 48 MHz Tecnología flash de bajo consumo de energía: 90 nm Funciones de manipulación de bits < 50 μA/MHz; 35,4 coremarks/mA Barra cruzada de puente periférico Controlador de memoria flash con estado de espera cero Modos de consumo de energía ultrabajo Tecnología flash con baja fuga: 90 nm Múltiples modos RUN, WAIT y STOP Activación en 4,6 μs desde el modo de reposo profundo Bloqueo de reloj y de potencia (clock & power gating), opciones de arranque con bajo consumo de energía Reloj VLPR: precisión con un 3 % máximo de margen de error, que normalmente es del 0,3-0,7 % Consumo de corriente en modo de reposo profundo: 1,4 μA con retención de registros; LVD activo y activación en 4,3μs Periféricos que ahorran energía Los periféricos funcionan en modos de reposo profundo y son capaces de tomar decisiones inteligentes y de procesar datos sin despertar al núcleo: ADMA, UART, temporizadores, convertidor analógico-digital (ADC), pantalla LCD con segmentos, sensores táctiles... ADC de 12/16 bits Convertidor digital-analógico (DAC) de 12 bits Comparadores analógicos de alta velocidad Temporizadores de alta capacidad para una gran variedad de aplicaciones, incluyendo el control de motor Para tener más información del fabricante y de los servicios, por favor visiten nuestra microsite. Via Arrow Europe