how do I get usb drivers for mk22 crystalless usb MCU? There are no examples for them, only for mk22fn528 but basically it have to be the same MCU.(MCUXpresso is used as IDE)
If there are no drivers for that subfamilly of MCU it would be nice to have a huge banner that there is no driver support for that MCUs.
Arm® Cortex®-M4|Kinetis® K22 120 MHz 32-bit USB MCUs | NXP
Anyway I'll appriciate if someone share with me baremetal example runned on internal 48M(irc48M) clock for mk22fn256vlh.
UPDATE: Who need to start VCOM example on mk22fn256vlh, zipped project attached.
Best regards,
You can also find information regarding using crystal-less usb and how to configure it in the following application note:
Crystal-less USB operation on Kinetis MCUs
Best Regards,
Hello Sabina,
thank for you response.
Clocks part is working fine. So it's not a problem for me to make MCU work from irc48m.
The problem is to set up USB registers. I am ok with low-level SPI,DMA or I2c, but USB is too time consuming to break through it. So driver+USB_stack were doing that job for me. But with that MCUs I faced with driver part absence.
In that case it is simplier and faster for me to buy mk22fn526. But I woundering why NXP have no support for them and not informs about that situation.
Hello Alexey,
I believe I understand now what you are referring to. Do you mean in the SDK for this part the stack is shown as not supported?
Yes I believe this is a bug in the SDK. I will report it as there should not be a problem in using the same USB stack.
Are you using the MCU on a custom board or an evaluation board?
Best Regards,
Hello Sabina,
I am able to download SDK but then it's impossible to add a USB midleware to the project on the creation stage .(and possible if mk22fn512 is choosen).
Are you using the MCU on a custom board or an evaluation board?
Custom made board. And it works fine with mkl43z MCU(as the are pin-2-pin compattible).
Best regards,
Ok, I understand. As I mention this will be reported as I do believe this is a bug. I will let you know as soon as I have an update of when this will be fixed.
Have a great day!
There is no difference in the USB in the K22FN128 and K22FN256 parts to the K22FN512. All can be used with crystal-less mode as device.
This means you should be able to use the K22FN512 sources for the USB part.
I have attached the USB OTG file from the uTasker project which works on all Kinetis parts if you are interested in low level settings for crystal-less mode. Search for the code with
#if defined KINETIS_HAS_IRC48M && defined USB_CRYSTAL_LESS
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Hello Mark,
thank for your response.
There is no difference in the USB in the K22FN128 and K22FN256 parts to the K22FN512. All can be used with crystal-less mode as device.
Absolutely agreed on that. Even more drivers for them should be the same exept memory partition. So i surprised about the situation when only elder MCU in the line have driver support.
I have attached the USB OTG file from the uTasker project which works on all Kinetis parts if you are interested in low level settings for crystal-less mode.
Clocks part is working fine. So it's not a problem for me to make MCU work from irc48m.