I'm working on the new X-KW-MCXW-EVK-MB motherboard + KW47 MCU.
Debug environment: iSYSTEM iC5000 + WinIDEA
Downloading and debugging of application works fine, but somehow after RESET the Cortex-M33 core is not accessible anymore ([Cortex-M33] NOT ACCESSIBLE) =>
WinIDEA message:
EMULATION Releasing reset
EMULATION Unexpected boot core state after debug entry
It doesn't make a difference, if I press the RESET button on the board itself, trigger a RESET in WinIDEA or do a reset via software (by writing the AIRCR register).
What could be the reason? Is the core stuck in bootloader?
My main problem is that I don't get very much information. Debugging is not possible, because after the reset core is instantly not accessible anymore. On the board, only the RESET is lighting up for a brief time and nothing else, besides the power led, is on.
I didn't change much on the board itself. Only set jumper JP22 for connecting an external debugger.
Is there anything that I can do to identifiy or narrow the problem?
Best regards,
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