WiFi Module For FRDM-k64F
I am in need of a WiFi module for FRDM - K64F board. I have few issues in connectivity when I connect the board through Ethernet. Can you please provide me any link where I can buy it?
Thank you for your help.
I'm using the Silicon Labs WGM110. It's been a huge pain, but they've fixed most of the major bugs. At the time I chose it, there weren't any pre-certified ESP modules in the form factor I needed.
My code for the WGM110 has been tested on the K22F and K22D. I can give you some general pointers if you go with that module, and I can share my documentation notes since the reference manual is somewhat lacking. If you want a complete FreeRTOS module to work with the WGM110, I can provide that on a consulting basis. :smileyhappy:
I was looking into KDS and I got a question. I started a new project in KDS by choosing K64F as my processor. It gave me an option to install Processor Expert.
But the components of these processor expert varies from the components which Erich has used in his project for KL25Z with esp 8266. Even I tried copying the libraries from KL25Z to K64F for processor expert but it did not work.
Does it mean these libraries are specific for KL25Z and I cannot use it with k64F till it is ported?
Thanks for your inputs @MarkButcher and @erichstyger .
Hi Niranjan,
not sure what components you mean? Keep in mind that I'm using some additional components from the MCUOnEclipse GitHub project (see McuOnEclipse Components: 30-Sept-2018 Release | MCU on Eclipse for latest releases) which are not part of the official NXP installation.
I have ported the project from FRDM-KL25Z to the FRDM-K64F which only took a few minutes thanks to Processor Expert :-).
It is available on GitHub mcuoneclipse/Examples/KDS/FRDM-K64F120M/FRDM-K64F_ESP8266 at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · Git... and as well attached to this reply for your convenience.
I hope this helps,
Hi again Erich,
I have tried using the given repository in Hexiwear and I received an error CLS1.h. I looked into it and it says that it is from processor expert. Is there any way to configure this into Hexiwear? I am not very familiar with KDS as of yet. Thank you.
That project is a MCUXpresso IDE project. I don't recommend KDS as it is legacy, including Processor Expert.
For KDS have a look at the dedicated project for it (which uses Processor Expert): mcuoneclipse/Examples/KDS/FRDM-K64F120M/FRDM-K64F_ESP8266 at master · ErichStyger/mcuoneclipse · Git...
You might consider using ESP32 with Hexiwear too (but that might be an overkill): ESP32 | MCU on Eclipse
Hi Erich,
I have tried the link you provided using Hexiwear by importing the files into the hexiwear file. There were a few errors that were shown upon running which I assume would be the pins, configuration, and clocking. Is it possible to just adjust the coded file and not use the processor expert because the file won't allow me to input additional pins using the processor expert?
I currently only have the ESP8266 module with me and I already soldered it to a PCB board. I tried using the Processor Expert on the Hexiwear startup source code but it does not give me the option to add onto the existing program.
Hi Erich,
Can this porting work on Hexiwear as well? I want to use ESP8266 and port it into Hexiwear
It can work for the Hexiwear too, but you would need to adapt it (pins, device configuration, clocking, ...).
Hi Erich,
Is there a tutorial on how do adapt the pins, configuration and clocking without the program expert? I tried playing with it but the start up hexiwear source code does not let me add new stuff into it using the program expert.
Thank you,
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Mark,
I'm not aware of any specific tutorial on this topic for Hexiwear.
Hello Erich,
I have tried using the K64 ESP8266 Repository that you have linked and I Reconfigure the pins to UART3 in order to fit the Hexiwear pin configurations. I used 1152000 for the clock. However I am still unsure on how to interface the given K64 ESP8266 with the Start_up Hexiwear programming. I tried copying the ESP8266 files into the Start_up hexiwear code but it gives me error whenever I build it. I would like to ask for guidance on how to interface both the programmings together.
Thank you.
Hi Erich Styger,
Thanks for the update. I downloaded the ESP 8266 demo for FRDM K64F from your GitHub repository. But when I run the code in MCU xpresso, Error: Program "make" not found in PATH because there are no include files located for this project. Whereas the other demos which you have for K64F have includes included.
Since it is a KDS project and I am trying to use it in MCU xpresso, I followed and did exactly as this thread stated https://community.nxp.com/thread/447824 as well.
The error I am getting:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;
C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;
C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018a\bin;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin;
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;
C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools Arm Embedded\7 2018-q2-update\bin;
Any pointers on this would be helpful ? I wanted to run the program in MCU xpresso since the other project which I have done is in MCU xpresso and I wanted to integrate both.
I have ported the project now as well to the MCUXpresso IDE (see readme for details), and it is available on GitHub here:
I hope this helps,
Thank you for your help. I will try my application!
You may look at FNET Embedded TCP/IP Stack
It has support for Qualcomm\Atheros 802.11 WiFi:
Hi, Yes. But I was looking into this option ESP 8266. But I want to program it in MCU since I have other applications also to be done in this.
But I cannot find any suitable code / example project between K64F and ESP 8266. I want 64F board to receive internet. That is the main objective.
Any insights on this would be helpful.
Hi Mark,
The project in the above link has a dependency on Processor expert for MKL25Z128VLK4. i cannot find such for MK64F. So I am not able to proceed with this. Any pointers would be helpful.
Unfortunately that is the problem with these generation wizards - they are limited and short lived.
I would ask Erich whether he can set up something for the K64.
If that doesn't work I would just generate the KL25 code so that you have a basis - then adapt the SPI interface code to the K64 since this should be fairly straightforward.