I'm looking for an MCU which fits my purpose, and I would appreciate if you could help me with this.
I've been working with the Kinetis K60 for some applications, but now I need a much simplier one.
What I need is just Analog Input/Output (this could be done via I2C, etc...) and Can Bus communication.
Also, as smaller, better.
Hi Ion,
The MK10DX64VLH7 is the snallest Kinetis K (Cortex M4) with CAN. With your experience in K60, K10 will be easy to use.
Other option would be KE06 (Cortex M0+) at 5V that will be launched very soon.
Hi Luis.
I had taken a look to that model too. As you say, I think would be much easier to work with it as I have previously worked with another Kinetis model. Anyway, I still have to take a look if the size of this fits our purpose.
About the KE06, when will be it lanched more or less? At a first look, I've seen that is kind a evolution of the S08 MCU. Again, I will have to think what to choose between a fast programming but with a larger size, and a smaller one but with I would have to spend more time in programming.
Is there any example code to start working with those models? The size is perfect for my aplication, but I think using a Kinetis model would be faster due to as Luis Casado has said, I've worked with it and I have part of code (Initializations, desing, etc...) that I can use. So, I wouldn't have to spend much time at starting.