we want to use Kinetis K20 with external SPI flash (only block level read and write access, no filesystem necessary) in combination with Processor Expert.
Is there any sample code for SPI flash driver?
BR Stefan Wahren
SPI Flash code for AT45DBXXX, SST25 and STM25 Flash devices (for all K, KL parts) is included in the uTasker project: http://www.utasker.com/forum/index.php?topic=1721.0
Files are spi_flash_kinetis_stmicro.h, spi_flash_kinetis_sst25.h and spi_flash_kinetis_atmel.h
It has a low level read/write/delete interface as described in chapter 6 of http://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTaskerFileSystem_3.PDF (this part if in kinetis.c). The driver allows multiple SPI Flash chips to be cascaded to increase total memory size.
The Kinetis and SPI Flash can also be simulated (using VisualStudio), allowing testing, developing and debugging without need for physical HW.
It doesn't use PE though since it has full code without further generation needs.
Hi Mark,
thanks for your reply. I will give it a try soon.