I would like to buy a Kinetis Freedom Board (FRDM-KL25Z) which comes with the MKL25Z128VLK4 MCU. I also want to buy some units of the MCU and it's respective programmer/flasher, to be able to build some custom circuits.
But the tool listed as the programmer ( Cyclone Max - Cyclone MAX Product Summary Page ) seems to have many extra features that I don't need right now. So I would like a cheaper programmer.
Would the UMultilink interface ( UMultilink Product Summary Page ) allows me to perform in circuit programming/flashing of the MKL25Z128VLK4 MCU?
Thank you,
Mario Baldini
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Hello Mario
YES, P&E USB Multilink Universal will allow you to perform in circuit USB flash programming of the MKL25Z128VLK4 MCU.
Then this is just the question of the quantity of pieces that you would like to program and the accessibility/flexibility of the tool.
Less than 1000pcs to program UMultilink is the right tool and Umultilink FX would be faster which is insteresting for high memory sizes.
More than 1000pcs to program in a classical factory assembly chain, it would be recommanded to choose a standalone flash programming tool, embedding its own memory or an sd-card port to store the project code (no computer needed) and a simple button to push to avoid handling errors.
Please find below a long list of Programming tools from 3rd parts vendors compatible with Freescale MCUs
Hardware Debuggers and Programming Interfaces
PS : Unofficially, FRDM-KL25Z can be reused for in-circuit USB Flash Programming.
You just need to buy and solder connectors J11 and J6 and acquire a JTAG/SWD cable :smileywink:
FWIW - J6 is .05" thru hole, not .1". I found .05" header strip on ebay. You will also have to find a .05" flat cable.
If you buy the MultiLink Universal for 119.00, you will get the flat cable, and it does work quite well. It also can debug may other freescale parts, and I think it is a great deal.
It worked fine on the Freedom Board (leave J11 in to use the MultiLink - the USB serial port is still usable)
Kinetis (includes L-Series)
Qorivva MPC55xx/56xx
ColdFire +V1/ColdFire V1
ColdFire V2/3/4
Power Architecture PX Series
Hello Mario
YES, P&E USB Multilink Universal will allow you to perform in circuit USB flash programming of the MKL25Z128VLK4 MCU.
Then this is just the question of the quantity of pieces that you would like to program and the accessibility/flexibility of the tool.
Less than 1000pcs to program UMultilink is the right tool and Umultilink FX would be faster which is insteresting for high memory sizes.
More than 1000pcs to program in a classical factory assembly chain, it would be recommanded to choose a standalone flash programming tool, embedding its own memory or an sd-card port to store the project code (no computer needed) and a simple button to push to avoid handling errors.
Please find below a long list of Programming tools from 3rd parts vendors compatible with Freescale MCUs
Hardware Debuggers and Programming Interfaces
PS : Unofficially, FRDM-KL25Z can be reused for in-circuit USB Flash Programming.
You just need to buy and solder connectors J11 and J6 and acquire a JTAG/SWD cable :smileywink:
So, let's see if I have this correct (I found this answer after having a look at the schematics, and wondering if I could use the board as a programmer.)
Which raises the question as to what the connector should be which would be attached to J6. At a glance, it looks very similar to the one that can be used to break out the Segger J-Link on the Kwikstik, although there is a suggestion that it may be through hole, which threw me a bit.
With the OpenSDA debugger thus exposed, can this be used with ANY Kinetis part, or is it just for KL25?
Hello Matthew
Your analyzis of the board modification is right.
Unfortunately, I hadn't the opportunity to test it and I just heard that the OpenSDA implementation on the Freedom board is tight to the CPU ID (serial number) of the chip on the board. Thus you might *not* be able to program another Kinetis.
I will keep you in touch, if I get additional information concerning this OpenSDA option, but you should consider for the moment the probe P&E U-MULTILINK has the most universal and economical debugging and programming tool for Freescale MCUs.
As Gregory has already mentioned, the multilink units are great as a development tool and for very small production lines, while the Cyclone max is best for production line tool because once it has been configured it can be used out in the field without a need for a computer, and programming is simply pushing a button.
To program the full 128K of the KL25Z128M4 chip, it takes under 4 seconds on the USB Multilink Universal: P&E Microcomputer Systems - USB Multilink Universal - USB Multilink Universal All-In-One Development...
It takes under 2.5 seconds with the same setup with the USB Multilink Universal FX due to an addition of a CPLD circuitry, while also have the ability to provide power to the target (3.3V or 5V). Amazing for high memory sizes: P&E Microcomputer Systems - USB Multilink Universal FX - USB Multilink Universal FX All-In-One Devel...
Both units supports multiple Freescale architectures including Freescale Kinetis ARM, PowerPC Nexus, ColdFire, DSC, and much more, and both are supported in many 3rd party software.
Takao Yamada
P&E Microcomputer Systems
When I was poking at this last year I did find that there is third party firmware that you can use in a , FRDM-KL25Z that isn't locked to the KL25. Besides being locked the other problem with the P&E Micro firmware is it's intentionally very very slow. The basic P&E Multilink is also intentionally crippled. (I do hope that someone in Freescale's marketing realizes how much damage their association with P&E is doing to their sales)
I've been using the coocox colinkex to flash the KL15/KL25 series parts. It has the advance of being cheap ($30 from Newark or Farrell) and fast, under 10 seconds. Tricky part is you need to buy the 10pin to 20 pin adapter from someone like segger since the base CoLinkEx doesn't have the 10 pin header.