In our project we are using MKL25Z128VLH4(64 pin) microcontroller with RAM-16KB and FLASH-128KB. We are using freeRTOS component in our project. RTOS heap itself is consuming around 12KB as heap. So we are short of RAM for remaining things.
Can anyone suggest any other controller having 32KB RAM, that can be matched with the existing pins so that we can replace the controller on the board. The controller can be of any Cortex M series.
Thanks in advance.
You can still working with Kinetis L2x family selecting the KL26 or KL27 devices that has up to 32KB RAM here is a snapshot of the product fact_sheet for your reference:
You can check the options for the KL4x devices as well that support USB module and up to 32KB RAM. fact_sheet
If your project RAM requirements are bigger you can select one of the K Family devices. The K10 to K70 devices (K1x, K2x, K3x, K4x, K5x, K6x, K7x) has more than 32 KB flash. Please refer to the Fact sheet document under the tab documentation for each Kinetis Device. ARM Cortex-M4 Cores|Kinetis K MCUs|Freescale
Hope this information can help you.
Best Regards,
Adrian Sanchez Cano
Technical Support Engineer
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