We're working on a project with MKL25Z series microcontrollers. We choose FRDM-KL25Z board as our development platform and we're using IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM(latest version) with Segger j-link debugger. By using the SWD port on the FRDM-KL25Z board we download and run our code just fine.
On our custom board(uses MKL25Z128VLH4 instead of MKL25Z128VLK4) everything works perfectly except the intterupts. We couldn't manage to activate any of the interrupts. Projects are exactly the same(so are the vector tables). Our custom board design is also very similar to FRDM-KL25Z board.
What could be the source of this issue?
Hi, Mutluer
Would you please check which interrupt you used? GPIO? If you used GPIO, MKL25Z128VLH4 is 48pin package but MKL25Z128VLK4 is 64pins package. Some GPIO is not existed on MKL25Z128VLH4. So I think you can check this factor first.
Hope my reply can help you.
Best Regards
Thanks Zhe Tian.
I am using(or trying to use in this case) SysTick, UART0 and some TPM interrupts here and there.
Hi, Mutluer
Please help to confirm if anyone of interrupt cannot run into.
Best Regards
Hi Paul,
I haven't been able to activate any of the GPIO, UART, SysTick, DMA and SPI0 intterrupts on our custom board. But as I said earlier, these intterrupts work flawlessly on freedom board with swd connection.
Hello Bora Mutluer:
What is the status of your issue?
If interrupts are not working, please refer to answer from Carlos Chavez for a similar problem in the next thread:
In case your custom board is somehow connecting NMI pin to a low level (e.g. ground), then NMI interrupt might be preventing any other interrupt from happening.
Hope this helps!
/Jorge Gonzalez