1)I am using Kinetis K70 TWR with codewarrior 10.4 baremetal.
2)I want to load my application code to Flash memory and keep data on DDR only(my data exceeds on chip 128KB RAM)
3) To accomplish above requirment what steps to be followed? Can i get example configuration for the same ?
Please take a look to this document Relocating Code and Data Using the CW GCC Linker File for Kinetis
After following the document you will be also able to check the MQX linker file and understand how it relocates data.
VGS, I am assuming you are trying to get heap memory allocated on your DDR. This is closely related to what I am doing and the answer David Seymour gave regarding external RAM should help you. His answer has an ld file and a small example code file that may help you. I expect you are using the default intflash_ddrdata.ld file which puts your DDR at 0x70000000. Be sure your __EXTERNAL_DDR2_RAM_SIZE is correct for your system if you are working from your own board. Otherwise it should just work. Personally, I use _lwmem_alloc_zero_from(my_pool_id, size) when I want to use the external memory and let the MQS OS functions use the faster internal SRAM. Viewing external RAM as lwmem
HI Kelly
Thanks Again for the suggestion. But I am not familiar with MQX .Is there any code example or suggestion about how to achieve this in bare-metal code.
Hi Kelly
Thanks for the suggestion