I'm trying to configure our new cyclone max programmer for manufacturing to easily program a board with a k60 processor but it expects the elf file to be in Big Endian. I'm very sure that the ARM architecture is based on Little Endian. Does anyone know how to create a Big Endian file that can properly program the k60?
The programmer doesn't normally care about the endianness of the file to be programmed. It just wants the file to have the bytes to be programmed in the order they are to appear in memory. The endianness of the file is set by the compiler/linker.
The only time the programmer would care, is if it needs to separately update a field in the file such as the version number. Only then does it need to know if that data is big or little endian.
Hi Scott,
You can select to program S19 format image to Kinetis chip via P&E Cyclone Max tool.
I have tried on my site and it does work.
Below picture is my test environment:
The CodeWarrior project also could generate S19 format image, you can check below thread about how to generate S19 image with CW project.
Wish it helps.
Best regards,
Ma Hui
Hi Scott,
I will check this thread and will let you know when there with any updated info.
Thank you for the patience.
Best regards,
Ma Hui