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I am currently developing code for the KL15Z128, but often only have access to the KL25Z128 for testing. Right now I have two completely separate projects in KDS for each chip, and need to carefully merge changes between them as I add code.
I was thinking it would be cool to create two projects dedicated to generating the Processor Expert configurations, which create the same components with exactly the same names, whose source files are included by a third project which contains the actual code.
Is this the right way for going about this? Does KDS (or maybe Codewarrior) have a method for doing this?
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You can consider this approach: one project with two configurations. You can have two CPU's in the project and switch between them.
See http://mcuoneclipse.com/2012/03/07/configurations-with-processor-expert/
I'm doing this for several of my projects.
The only disadvantage is that you can not have both project 'active' the same time (e.g. to debug in parallel for the KL15 and the KL25). In that case I'm doing the approach you mentioned: two projects (with different CPU's, but same components), but not sharing the generated code, but the application code/sources in a 'common' folder/library.
I hope this helps,

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You can consider this approach: one project with two configurations. You can have two CPU's in the project and switch between them.
See http://mcuoneclipse.com/2012/03/07/configurations-with-processor-expert/
I'm doing this for several of my projects.
The only disadvantage is that you can not have both project 'active' the same time (e.g. to debug in parallel for the KL15 and the KL25). In that case I'm doing the approach you mentioned: two projects (with different CPU's, but same components), but not sharing the generated code, but the application code/sources in a 'common' folder/library.
I hope this helps,

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Great, thanks!
I hadn't realized that the additional CPU component would automatically create a new configuration, and that enabling/disabling a component would stick to the active configuration.