KV10 debugging/single stepping issues - KDS

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KV10 debugging/single stepping issues - KDS

Contributor I

Greetings. I am working on a product that will be using a KV10 in production. I started development using the KV10 freedom board (mkv10z32), Kinetis design studio (3.2.0) and SDK2.0. In general, single step debugging was a miserable experience, location in code was frequently lost and code was not (at least visually) single stepped through - note that running up to a breakpoint was generally not a problem. I thought the issue may have been related to the SDA interface, but the problem persisted using a JLINK, SWD, and the JTAG connection. I've since moved to a custom board design using the mkv10v64. The issues with single step debugging are now even worse. I cannot begin to debug if breakpoints are set before flashing the device - if I do, I get a "No source available for "0x0" error. If I try to "resume" debugging (even though it hasn't commenced), I'll get a "No source available for "__isr_vector() at 0x0" error. I am now also getting a lot of hard fault errors that I never received while working with the freedom board. I suspect there are a few issues in play, but I would like to hear any/all ideas about ways to correct these problems. Note that I did copy/paste my mkv10z32 code to my mkv10z64 project, but I don't see anywhere where this might be creating a conflict. Rapid help appreciated - thanks! -Chris

2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Chris,

As follow up to the case 00110045, please let us know if you encounter any issues while debugging using MCUXpresso and the SDK 2.2 package for the MKV10Z64xxx7 devices.

Best Regards!
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Hello Chris Phelan

We have 5 different freescale controllers (KV10,K20,KL25 etc) in our system. During bring up we had faced these type of issues. Well i don't know why such issues are there but  we are getting good performance after restarting PC and start debugging again also 2-3 time we solved issue by reinstalling KDS and KSDK from scratch.

Hope it may help..

Thanks & regards
