EmbSysRegisters Question

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EmbSysRegisters Question

749 次查看
Contributor III

Here's a question for the EmbSysRegisters experts out there:


How does EmbSysReg read peripheral registers? The reason I ask is that there are peripheral registers, such as POPR in the SPI peripheral, that pull a word of data out of a FIFO when they're read. If EmbSysReg reads this register using the same method application code uses, it will "consume" one word of data from the RX FIFO every time it reads the POPR register. That data then disappears from the perspective of the application code.

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518 次查看
Contributor II

I'm adding this here since it seems appropriate.

using an MK22F1M0 on Kinetis on Linux.

in the debugger there is NO entry for this in embSysRegister choices. Closest match is 512k part which for all intent and purposes is almost the same.

Both parts have 6 UARTS. I only see 3 in the view...so what goes on here? How can I trust this debugger if it lies all the time?


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518 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Jerry,

I would thing that you could get a definitive answer on EmbSysRegView .

But my understanding is that it reads the memory through the GDB/Debugger read command. So it does not execute some code on the target, but uses the debug interface to read the memory mapped registers.


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