I'm starting with Coldfire/CodeWarrior and MQX and I'm having several problems. My hardware and software is a MCF5229, a M5229Demokit, and CodeWarrior Development Studio 7.12. My main question is the next:
When I create a whole new project for my hardware, I obtain a minimal application "Hello world". I can run it with no problem when my "Selected target" is "INTERNAL_RAM". My application also run when my target is "CONSOLE_INTERNAL_RAM". But my application doesn't run when my target is "INTERNAL_FLASH". I obtain an message saying "Program "MCF52259_INTERNAL_FLASH.elf" is executing". But my application doen't run, not even with breakpoints.
So, could you help me? I suppose the solution is very simple, but after reading a lot of documentation, and searching in the forum, I haven't obtained any solution.
Thanks you in advance.
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
Thanks you a lot of. And yes, i'm completely new...
Your indications were correct, but I have fixed the problem several minutes before reading your reply. I've solved this "problem" reading a readme_file i've founded in my test project. I copy & paste the solution in this thread thinking in future newbies like me.
Thanks you a lot of.
Here, the solution:
// Flashing the code
1. Select the appropriate project target and build it
2. Make sure the correct remote connection is selected in the Remote
Connection debugger panel
3. In the CodeWarrior IDE menu, select Project > Set Default Project
and select your project
4. In the CodeWarrior IDE menu, select Project > Set Default Target
and select the project target that has the code you want to flash
5. In the CodeWarrior IDE menu, select Tools > Flash Programmer
6. Go to the flash programmer Target Configuration panel, click Load
7. Browse to the <your project location>\cfg sub folder and
select the flash settings xml file matching your build target
8. Check that Use Custom Settings checkbox is not selected
9. Go to the Erase/Blank Check panel, select the All Sectors option and
click Erase
10. Go to Program/Verify panel, click Program
11. Your code should now be flashed
Hi Ardoster
My apologies if I'm telling you something very obvious, but if you're completely new to all this you might not realise...
You have to 'burn' the program image into the Flash memory before you can run it. It's not sufficient to compile the INTERNAL_FLASH target and then expect to be able to run it - there's the intermediate step of flashing it as well. The sequence is compile-flash-debug.
For the flash programming step you can use the Flash Programmer from CodeWarrior's tools menu.
Hope this helps
Thanks you a lot of. And yes, i'm completely new...
Your indications were correct, but I have fixed the problem several minutes before reading your reply. I've solved this "problem" reading a readme_file i've founded in my test project. I copy & paste the solution in this thread thinking in future newbies like me.
Thanks you a lot of.
Here, the solution:
// Flashing the code
1. Select the appropriate project target and build it
2. Make sure the correct remote connection is selected in the Remote
Connection debugger panel
3. In the CodeWarrior IDE menu, select Project > Set Default Project
and select your project
4. In the CodeWarrior IDE menu, select Project > Set Default Target
and select the project target that has the code you want to flash
5. In the CodeWarrior IDE menu, select Tools > Flash Programmer
6. Go to the flash programmer Target Configuration panel, click Load
7. Browse to the <your project location>\cfg sub folder and
select the flash settings xml file matching your build target
8. Check that Use Custom Settings checkbox is not selected
9. Go to the Erase/Blank Check panel, select the All Sectors option and
click Erase
10. Go to Program/Verify panel, click Program
11. Your code should now be flashed
Do we have to reflash every time we use the demo board? I replugged the usb cable but the board does not run. I assume we only have to flash it once and it will run every time we turn on the board.
Thank you.
Are you completely sure you are loading your code into intern Flash and not in RAM??? Probably you are wrong and you are loading your code into RAM. If this is not your case, I don't know what to say you. :smileysad:
Hi Ardoster,
I followed the steps shown above. I used the Internal_Flash target. Is there something else I am missing?
Thank you.
I'm so sorry but I don't have idea what's happens to your board. Have you tried with another board? Pherhaps is a hardware problem. Are you trying with an example or you are loading your own code? Pherhaps you have a missing pointer which is overwriting a flash section.
I don't know. I'm sorry I can't help you.
Hi Ardoster,
I am using my own code. What do you mean by a missing pointer?
Thank you.
I mean that pherhaps in your code, you are overwriting accidentally a Flash section with necessary code to boot the system. I would try before with an example. If with an example works correctly, the problem is your code. If not, there's a problem in your board, or there's something you are not doing correctly.
Try this and tell me.