I am just starting with my kit and I was looking for simple sample code to get started for the serial ports any direction would be great.
Thanks for the reply I was able to get the uart working with my project sample once I relized that the project built a uart version as well as a rom version. My biggest problem was how the tools worked I was more familiar with GCC projects and not the code warrior IDE. My next project will be to get a Device USB type working and be able to send up 4 32bit counter values as fast as I can should be interesting any thoughts at witch sample would be a good starting point?
Thanks for the direction this looks good. I look forward to playing with it but for now I am really looking for device side stuff. If I looked at this right this is all Host stuff correct? Is there some device side stuff or is that all there is? I will be plugging my device on this project in to a PC to send an application data.
Thanks GG
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