PUCPAR is incorrectly referenced twice in this manual.
Page 241
IPSBAR 0x10_0073 (PUCPAR)
Figure 15-23. Dual-Function Pin Assignment Registers with Bits 3:0 Implemented (PTDPAR, PUCPAR)
Page 242
IPSBAR 0x10_0073 (PUCPAR)
Figure 15-26. Quad-Function Pin Assignment Registers with Bits 7:0 Implemented
I spent literally 12 hours straight before I realised the RM is wrong. Its a quad function, not dual. the reference on page 241 needs to be removed. When you search PUCPAR the first reference that comes up is the dual function...
We are sorry for this. Yes, as Tom mentioned, this had been reported several years ago.... The truth is with the declining of the ColdFire famliy, we do not have much resource to support it and that is why the manual did not been updated. Sorry for the inconvenience this had caused.
That was reported in 2009. It looks like a cut-and-paste error from the MCF52251 Reference Manual where it is a Dual Function Register. You get that a lot in these manuals.
PUCPAR has to be quad-function as "Table 2-1. Pin Functions by Primary and Alternate Purpose (continued)" lists three functions for two of the PUC port pins.
The Reference Manual Revisions 3 and 4 are both wrong. The 2011 Reference Manual Errata doesn't fix it.
Searching this forum for "PUCPAR" finds:
https://community.nxp.com/message/50941 "MCF52211 PUCPAR quad or dual function?"
https://community.nxp.com/message/50914?commentID=50914#comment-50914 "M5225x - PUCPAR Manual Error (2009)"
One of the above notes a Service Request against this was sent in 2009. Two manual revisions came out after that Service Request AND the Errata, with the same bug still present.
Watch out for PTD. It may not apply to your chip, but it might.
Watch out for the two "Bear PITs". I may be the only person on the planet who has managed to get the PIT programmed properly. Enjoy the "redaction doesn't seems to implies" [sic] response from Freescale.
The Coldfire manuals are pretty good when compared to some others.