Is "STOP" a valid assembler command for the Coldfire V2?
I'm having trouble finding a assembly language reference for these controllers. I'm coding primarily in C (MQX 3.6, Codewarrior 10), but I need to issue a stop command to put the device in low power mode. From the reference manual it refers to the STOP command, but when I try to do that inline it gives an "illegal addressing mode" error.
This is the line that causes the error:
It compiles fine if I use another assembler command like this:
Does anyone know where I can find an assembler reference, or what's wrong with what I'm trying?
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According to ColdFire Family Programmer’s Reference Manual (CFPRM.PDF), the STOP instruction has a word immediate data, like this: STOP #DATA_2_SR
The WORD operand is loaded into Status register (see cfprm chapter 8-17)
According to ColdFire Family Programmer’s Reference Manual (CFPRM.PDF), the STOP instruction has a word immediate data, like this: STOP #DATA_2_SR
The WORD operand is loaded into Status register (see cfprm chapter 8-17)