I'm working on the T2081 processor in Code warrior 10.5.1 version. I have created the CodeWarrior bareboard Project. here, I'm using the printf statement with proper library(stdio.h) but it is not printing in the teraterm.
In my code I have initialized the uart and if I write the data in that register, the data is printing in teraterm. but the printf is not working in teraterm.
Can you tell me the configuration or mapping have to do in the code warrior tool for the T2081 processor?
Please create a default bareboard project in CodeWarrior IDE from File->New->CodeWarrior Bareboard project wizards, in "Debug Target Settings" panel, please select "Download" Launch configuration.
Then modify "DDR Controller Setup" section in CodeWarrior initialization file t2081\t2081-core00\CFG\T2081QDS_init_core.tcl according to your custom board.
Then use CodeWarrior to download the project to the target board and run it.
If still no output on the UART port of your custom board, please refer to the following procedure to redirect output to a debugger console instead of UART to check whether there is output in CodeWarrior debugger console.
Hi @yipingwang thanks for your reply,
By using the printf statement in the Codewarrior , I'm getting the junk data in the teraterm. I have checked the baud rate also then also the printf statement is not coming properly in the teraterm.
Can you please me to do any other configuration to print the statement properly without the junk data?
And also I have another doubt. I have downloaded QorIQ_SDK-V2.0-20160527-yocto.iso and QorIQ_Linux_SDK_v2.0-1703.tar.bz2 from the Linux_SDK_for_QorIQ_Processors . I have installed this files in my system by following the documentation QorIQ-SDK-2.0-1703. For setup the machine I have to give the command to select one which is supported for T2081 processor. To set the require package we have select the machine and refer this link Setup_the_environment_for_processor .
I can't find which type of machine have to select for my T2081 processor.Can you please tell which machine need to select?
@yipingwang can you please give the solution for the two problems at the earliest.
Please refer to the previous procedure to redirect output to a debugger console instead of UART to check whether there is normal output in CodeWarrior debugger console.
If yes, it means there is problem with your the UART on your custom board.
You could select T2080 in QorIQ SDK 2.0 build environment.
If we are writing data through the UART register in the code, we are getting the data correctly in teraterm. but if we are using the print statement in the code, we are getting the junk prints in teraterm.
Con you tell me the configurations to get correct prints from the teraterm using the printf statement?
Please try whether you could output printf in CodeWarrior debugger console successfully. If no, please check DDR configuration issue.
In the debugger console the printf is working properly, but in the teraterm UART printf is coming like a junk prints. can you please give the solution to make work the printf statement in UART Terminal?
I have verified CodeWarrior sample program on T2080RDB, there is no problem with printf.
Please make sure that you are using CodeWarrior sample project, please create the project with the following procedure.
Please create a default bareboard project in CodeWarrior IDE from File->New->CodeWarrior Bareboard project wizards, in "Debug Target Settings" panel, please select "Download" Launch configuration.
Then modify "DDR Controller Setup" section in CodeWarrior initialization file t2081\t2081-core00\CFG\T2081QDS_init_core.tcl according to your custom board.
Then use CodeWarrior to download the project to the target board and run it.
If your problem persists, please send your CodeWarrior project to me to do more investigation.