CodeWarrior for ColdFire v7.1.2 Patch does NOT support M52259DEMOKIT???

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CodeWarrior for ColdFire v7.1.2 Patch does NOT support M52259DEMOKIT???

Contributor II


I am trying to use Processor Expert with the M52259DEMOKIT but it keeps saying that it's not supported.

I installed CodeWarrior Development Studio for Coldfire V7.1 and the 7.1.1 patch for MCF5225x from the disk included with the kit.


Then I created a new project with the M52259DEMOKIT as the target. All looked good. Then I tried to open Processor Expert and it said "Selected Target 'M52259DEMOKIT' is not supported by Processor Expert. Do you want to select a different one?"


Today I downloaded (600MB) and installed CodeWarrior for ColdFire v7.1.2 Patch which is supposed to provide "Processor Expert V1.04 with support for M52259DEMOKIT". However when I created a new project with the M52259DEMOKIT as the target and then tried to open Processor Expert it said the same thing "Selected Target 'M52259DEMOKIT' is not supported by Processor Expert. Do you want to select a different one?".


So, what's going on here? What am I doing wrong? Why can't I get Processor Expert to support the M52259DEMOKIT?


My problem is that I need to use the M52259DEMOKIT. If I try to create a project with the MCF52259 as the target the CodeWarrior doesn't support the OSBDM connection but if I try and create a project with the M52259BEMOKIT as the target I can't use Processor Expert or Device Initialization.


PS: I've also installed CodeWarrior Development Studio for Coldfire V7.2 but get the same results.

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8 Replies

Senior Contributor III




we are sorry for inconvenience but currently there are supported only M52259EVB rev 2.0 and plain M52259 MCU in Processor Expert.


To use 52259DEMO, you could create a regular project for plain 52259 (not EVB) and setup the CPU bean according to DEMO PCB hardware (crystal etc..).


best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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Contributor II

Thanks for your reply,


Your suggestion "you could create a regular project for plain 52259 (not EVB)" does not work as the plain 52259 derivative in the New Project wizard does not allow a ColdFire v2-v4 JM60 OSBDM connection. Do you have any other suggestions?


Could you also please explain why the ColdFire v7.1.2 Patch does NOT support the M52259DEMOKIT when it's download page says that it does?


Also, when will Processor Expert support the M52259DEMOKIT?



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Senior Contributor III


here are the steps to create a Processor Expert project for M52259DEMOKIT board and OSBDM:
1. Select plain M52259 MCU
2. In Project wizard continue by clicking on the "Next" button
3. After project creation open "Project settings" window (Alt+F7) and select OSBDM connection
4. Setup the CPU bean according to DEMO PCB hardware (clock settings etc..).
Please find test application of these steps that blinks LED1 at 10 Hz frequency. The application was created and tested in CW V7.2.

best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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Contributor II

Hi, thanks for your prompt reply.


I've tried this solution a number of times and it works well but i've come across a couple of issues that I hope you can help me with.


1. I notice that in Processor Expert (PE) you have selected the internal clock (for the high speed clock). I've tried to use the external clock (which I presume is the external 48MHz crystal). PE appears to recognise this as it changes the Predivider from 6 to 1. I've also changed the LED period to 1000ms so that I can see the LED toggling (this required a change to using the DMA timer). When I run the program it is running at 1/6 of its correct speed.

My theory for what is happening is that the input to the PLL is not being switched from the internal 8MHz oscillator to the external 48MHz crystal. I've looked at the startup code generated (System Clock Initialisation, in function __initialize_hardware, file Cpu.c) and as far as I can tell this is what the code is doing (I'm sorry but I find the Clock Module chapter of the MCF52259 Reference Manual confusing and ambiguous). I've attached my project for your reference.


So, my question is: How do I get PE to switch to using the external 48MHz crystal?


2. I'm using the INTERNAL_FLASH. In the Flash Programmer (Tools>Flash Programmer) if I load settings from the cfg folder (as outlined in 7. of Flashing the code in the Readme.txt file) then the Erase operation fails - it seems to get caught in the Erase operation and never completes. However if I use a flash settings file from a project created without PE (ie. create a new project with the M52259DEMO) then the Erase and program operations work correctly.

Do you have any advise for me here?




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Senior Contributor III

It hink that your settings of CPU component in your PE project are correct but I assume that the problem is not related to PE and it is related to layout of PCB 52259DEMO. For more details please refer to the schematic of this board and there you can noticed that CLKMOD0 and CLKOMOD1 digital inputs pin are connected to the GND through pull-down resistor. Therefore M52259DEMO allows you run by default only from internal cpu clock and this is the reason why I have selected this clock in my example. As you can see there is no jumper/swicth on 52259DEMO to change value (hi/lo) of CLKMOD like it is for example supported on M22559EVB or M52259TWR boards.
For more details about CLKMOD settings please refer to the M52259RM.


best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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Contributor II



Thanks for your reply, however I don't agree that the problem is with the M52259DEMOKIT. I still think that it is with Processor Expert.

To show this I have added user code to turn on the external 48MHz crystal and turn off the relaxation oscillator. See the three lines of code at the end of the "System Clock Initialization" section of __initialize_hardware() in file Cpu.c. I added this code using the "User code after PE initialization" option in the CPU Bean. This code turns on the crystal oscillator, selects the crystal oscillator and turns off the relaxation oscillator.

The system clock now runs at the correct frequency of 80MHz (measured at the CLKOUT pin).


As PE generates the same code when you select either internal or external clock I think that PE is not recognising the external clock option.


Could you please check this and get back to me.





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Senior Contributor III

I am sorry for my last confusing answer. Unfortunatelly, I didn't notice that it's possible to swicth CPU  clock other way than by CLKMOD inputs. You are right and your workaround is correct. I classified the problem as a bug in PE V1.05 and I have passed it to developers for correction.
Regarding to your previous question about flashing tool in CW V7.2 - please use menu commmand tools/flash programmer, then "Flash Programmer" window will be opened. Within this window please select connection and consequently click to Load Setting... button to load M52259_INTFLASH settings of programmer. Then just click to erase and program buttons. (For more details please find attached screenshot).


best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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Contributor III



I am trying to evaluate if I can use this for a project. The system will be very sensitive to timejitter. I started of with the M5229DEMO kit and the code supplied by PeteG. As i want to measure the jitter, I reduced the interruptperiod. However, no matter how low I set it, I stil wont get a faster measured period on the IOpins then 9,58us. That would imply that the interrupts only gets called every ~4.8 us. Do anyone else expericen this? Is it due to the handling of the interrupts?


Best regads


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