Use CodeWarrior for ARMv8 to Debug U-boot and Linux Kernel and Bring up Bare Boards

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Use CodeWarrior for ARMv8 to Debug U-boot and Linux Kernel and Bring up Bare Boards

Use CodeWarrior for ARMv8 to Debug U-boot and Linux Kernel and Bring up Bare Boards

This document uses LS1043ARDB as an example to introduce how to use CodeWarrior for ARMv8 to connect to the bare board to do flash programming, how to use attaching method to debug u-boot and Linux Kernel on QorIQ LS ARM 64 bit target boards.

In the document some new features of CodeWarrior for ARMv8 are used, so it is needed to download the latest CodeWarrior Networked Application Suite v2016.01 and install CodeWarrior for ARMv8.


1. CodeWarrior Connects to the Bare Board to do Flash Programing


2. Debug u-boot with CodeWarrior for ARMv8


3. Debug Linux Kernel by Attaching Running U-boot


Trying to follow this document to bring up our custom board based on LS1012A-Freedom development board. I am able to build, connect, and run the bare board "Hello World" (C) project with my CodeWarrior TAP connected to the board via JTAG.

However, when I attempt to import the U-Boot executable, the executable import wizard does not recognize the file format and does not let me select the type.


Note: I had previously flashed the QSPI memory with the RCW/PBI, U-Boot, and other LS1012A binaries using the command line gdb and (Actually unable to locate the menu item to run the flash programmer from the GUI!?!?!).

Any help on why this is happening and how to get past it are greatly appreciated.


I obviously was not thinking clearly when I attempted this earlier. The .bin file is not in ELF format, so of course it is not recognized. The build output does not provide a file with a .elf extension; however, the u-boot file (with no extension) is in ELF format and was recognized as a u-boot file.

Now if I could just figure out why my connection to the CW TAP is failing when trying to debug U-Boot (does not have any issue with my bare-metal program(s)...

‎06-14-2016 09:28 PM