I'm completly lost with the programmation of the MC9S12DP512:
I try to program my evaluation board (HCS12Tboard of elektronik laden) unsuccessful.
I don't understand the process of compilation and for download the program into the microcontroler.
I create a new project with codewarrior using the HC(S)12 new project wizard, after I select the MC9S12DP512 component (the same wich monted on the board), I select C language, I precise NO processor expert, NO PC-lint, NO floating point, specified banked memory (I don't really understand all différences), But I this moment I don't know what is the correct choise (I want to use a compod12 for debug).
Can you explain to me what is the motorola monitor hardware debugging ??
Does this monitor is compatible with tweenpeeks program??
I hope that my request is comphehensive!!!!
In conclusion can you help me to program this composant, I have at my disposition, a evaluation board, a compod12, codewarrior, starprog, occonle...
And escuse me for spelling mistakes I'm French.