Hello again iRob,
Continuing from my previous post . . .
After having successfully assembled the corrected source code using the stand-alone assembler tool, I then attempted to handle the same code using CW IDE, and its project structure. When I attempted to compile the primary file, some further errors and warnings occurred, but an attempt to make the project resulted in a vastly greater number of errors and warnings (assumed to be caused by the default relocatable issue).
Closer examination of the assembly errors revealed case inconsistency for some of the labels. Whereas the assembler alone ignores the case of the labels (as does CASM08), for assembly via the IDE, case is significant. This seems rather unusual - perhaps the IDE in fact uses a different assembler than the stand-alone tool.
The case inconsistency within the files also indicates to me an EXTREMELY SLOPPY programming technique, especially since mixed case labels seem to occur "willy-nilly" within the code. Perhaps I am ranting . . . but this code certainly does not have a clean and consistent layout IMHO.
Having made the further corrections, I was then able to compile without error, but not make the project. The compile produced the correct code size, but did not generate the required S19, and other output files. After some experimentation, I found I could make the project, provided I deleted the two secondary files, 8HID-PRO.asm and 8USB-ISR.asm, from the project structure. Of course, the files should remain within the source folder.
Perhaps others might advise of alternative ways of handling absolute assembly from within a CW project, that would allow editing of the secondary (include) files by the IDE.