Hello together.
i am using the CW MCU 10.2 (cause of license) and started debugging my application last week.
works good, but now i want to watch a variable AND/OR just a memory address..
But i don't want to know if its value is written with the same value..
i just want to be interrupted if the values changes or for example the value is ">=" than a value..
i have seen the "condition" line in the breakpoint properties..
but how to use it? could not find a real help for it !
for example my variable is called "this_is_a_test_var" ...
have i to write this_is_a_test_var>=90 or just >=90 ?!
and how to do it for an memory address?
i played a bit around, but could not figure it out, sorry!
so anyone uses this feature?
please help me
What's your target MCU, could you please give us its Part Number? Thank you.
Hey Fiona.
Thanks for your reply!
I did not know that target MCU plays a role, sorry.
My Target MCU is the ColdFire v3 MCF5329 .
Hello Sacha,
We're very sorry for the delay on this answer.
I've performed some tests on my side with MCU V10.5 (should be same on MCU V10.2) with simulator for HCs08.
See the jpeg below.
The condition tested is "my_var>=20".
In this case the application is stopped when my_war=20.