Does anybody know how to output the K60 tower board's accelerometer measurements via I2C Protocol and ProcessorExpert? I tried the example in codewarrior, debugged it, but it only returns descriptions, not measurements:
Any help, suggestions, guides on how to program this in codewarrior would be very much appreciated This is work related and time-sensitive.
Hi Dao,
do you refer to the example
\CW MCU v10.5\MCU\CodeWarrior_Examples\Processor_Expert\Kinetis\TWR-K60N512\I2C
I will check with colleague but I don't think we've other example.
Keep you informed.
Hi Pascal,
Thanks for responding! I most certainly did try all the examples available. Since I have no prior experience with microcontrollers and very very little programming knowledge, I am clueless on how to change the example program above to print out the accelerometer measurements for example measurements X, Y and Z. The reason this is important is that I have to eventually try to talk to an external IMU sensor that has an I2C protocol.
Again, any help, suggestions, guides on how to program this in codewarrior would be very much appreciated as this is work related and time-sensitive.
Hi Dao,
There are some information associated to the example.
Extract of the readme.txt file:
This project demonstrates the use of the I2C component. An external
accelerometer is switched into a test mode in which the user can write
into the X, Y, Z data registers and then read the written values. For setting
up the mode register a one byte write/read operation is used, for write/read
the data registers a multibyte write/read operation is used. Comments and test
results are sent to ConsoleUART (Serial component) via a Tower Serial module
(TWR-SER). RS232 settings: 38400baud rate, 8-bit, 1-stop bit, no parity.
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