The driver package in the downloaded from the official website has been updated to FSL_LIN_2.x_STACK_4.5.9.exe.
There is a signal definition for a project for the time being, which is why the problem has been discovered.
Hi Felipe,
In the course of use, we found a problem with the protocol stack.
typedef union {
l_u8 byte; /**< a data byte refer to 8 data bits follow */
/* LIN 2.1 */
l_u8 successful_transfer:1; /**< Transfer flag LIN 2.1*/
l_u8 error_in_response:1; /**< Error response LIN 2.1*/
l_u8 bus_activity; /**< Bus activity timeout LIN 2.1*/
/* J2602 */
l_u8 framing_error:1; /**< frame error flag J2602*/
l_u8 checksum_error:1; /**< checksum error flag */
l_u8 readback_error:1; /**< readback error in J2602 to be called Data Error */
l_u8 parity_error:1; /**< frame error flag */
l_u8 reset:1; /**< reset flag (not implemented) */
} bit;
} lin_status;
the bus_activity define is error.
It shuold be:
l_u8 bus_activity :1;
/* Lin status bit mask */
#define LIN_STA_SUCC_TRANSFER 1 /**< LIN status bit mask: success transfer */
#define LIN_STA_ERROR_RESP 2 /**< LIN status bit mask: error in response */
#define LIN_STA_BUS_ACTIVITY 4 /**< LIN status bit mask: bus activity */
#define LIN_STA_FRAME_ERR 8 /**< LIN status bit mask: frame error */
#define LIN_STA_CHECKSUM_ERR 16 /**< LIN status bit mask: checksum error */
#define LIN_STA_READBACK_ERR 32 /**< LIN status bit mask: readback error */
#define LIN_STA_PARITY_ERR 64 /**< LIN status bit mask: parity error */
#define LIN_STA_RESET 128 /**< LIN status bit mask: reset */
Thanks a lot for your comments!
There is actually a new version of the LIN stack. Could you please try using v4.6.1?
Here is the link:
Best regards,
Hi Felipe,
I use the new version of the LIN stack and have sloved some of the problems.
But for the question3, I need config 2ch LIN slave for application. I try to use NCF config the driver and there is no problem with the use of the two LIN and the reading and writing of unconditional frames.But I cannot pass the
Conformance Test of LIN.
Here is my config for diagnostic service:
The LIN Stack package is compliant to LIN 2.0 and LIN 2.1 / 2.2a specifications. You can find this statement on the release notes.
Also, I known limitation is that conformance test coverage 99.06%.
Best regards,