03:48 PM
3,144 次查看
Hi guys
i'm trying to debug a S12X software, and i have this issue, no programming voltage. i have suspected a board issue. but on another one it's the same issue.
i have that on the command display:
Vppon command file correctly executed.
FP: No programming voltage
FP: No programming voltage
FP: ALL_PPAGES flash module is bad or protected.
executing .\cmd\P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_vppoff.cmd
executing .\cmd\P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_vppoff.cmd
i have tried to unsecure the chip, but when i do that the debbugger crashes.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for your help.
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1 解答
05:30 PM
854 次查看
Found the issue. Even if I have checked that on the rising edge of the reset the state of MODA and MODB (low), it was not sufficient. Theses pins must be pulled down no for setting the correct MCU mode.
1 回复
05:30 PM
855 次查看
Found the issue. Even if I have checked that on the rising edge of the reset the state of MODA and MODB (low), it was not sufficient. Theses pins must be pulled down no for setting the correct MCU mode.