We have bought T1024RDB and CodeWarrior Tap. And I installed CodeWarrior Studio 10.5.1. CodeWarrior contains only Bareboard toolchains. I installed Linux packages from update site. But, I still can not create Linux Project from New Project wizard. At the Build Settings window the Toolchain "Linux: GCC LINUX e5500" is not selectable.
Do you have any documentation or guide about starting development?
I also could not see any document how to boot linux on T1024RDB and how to start development in the package we received.
Best Regards
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Hello Levent Karakaya,
First you need to install Linux GNU Build Tools Service Packs, please install it from Help->Install New Software->Work with:(drop list)->FSL PA Build Tools - http://freescale.com/lgfiles/updates/Eclipse/PA10_5_1/com.freescale.pa.buildtools_win->; PA GCC LinuxGNU Build Tools Service Packs.
After installation, please create a Linux app project from File->New->Create a CodeWarrior Linux Project, all QorIQ related platforms use the same toolchain for Linux App project.
After build the Linux APP, you could copy the binary to the target board to execute it directly.
Please refer to SDK document Submit Form for how to deploy images on the target board.
Have a great day,
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