XGATE Interrupt Handling

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XGATE Interrupt Handling

Contributor I


I am using MC9S12XET256 micro controller.I have routed my ADC interrupt to XGATE with the priority level 3.When i want to change the priority level to 4,I am getting an illegal break point.If i change priority level to the group(4,5,6,7),I am getting this error but it is working fine if priority level is in the range(1,,2,3).Can anyone provide reason for this?

I also have a doubt in interrupt nesting in XGATE.In data sheet it is mentioned like,if higher priority interrupt in the group(4,5,6,7) occurs when an interrupt in the group (1,2,3) running,the higher priority interrupt stops the lower group interrupts and starts exceuting the higher one.But I want to know what happens if higher priority interrupts occur in the same group.(Suppose 5 happens when 4 is exceuting).

Thanks for your reply.

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