we are using K60 controller for interfacing with USB keyboard. from freescale usb stackv.4.1.1, we got one example file 'USB_HID_OTG_MK60DN512zvLq10.' similar to that example file, when i tried to include the processor expert component USB_HID_CLASS in our source code, there is an option for OTG_MAX3353(in reference component). since we are not using OTG_MAX3353, is there any option to disable MAX3353 in processor expert?
also from other site, we got FSL_USB_STACK. processor expert component
but FSL_USB_HID_KEYBOARD_DEVICE is not included in that. kindly guide for proper usb stack for keyboard.
from where should i download FSL_USB_HID_KEYBOARD_DEVICE.PEupd component
when i tried to add component FSL_USB_STACK, there is no option for HID_KEYBOARD. so i included FSL_USB_HID_KEYBOARD component directly. and no init_USB_OTG components are added since we have already added USB_LDD component(as host) for interfacing pendrive . if i add init_USB_OTG, there will be pin sharing error. ie, pin is already used.
is it possible to use same USB pin as host and OTG ? because when i built the project i m getting so many errors like - ')' expected in HIDK1.h
for byte HIDK1_send(byte modifier,byte key);
similar to this, number of errors are appearing.
is it possible to use same USB pin as host and OTG ? so in USB_LDD component, i need to select host or OTG?
If you are seeing that 'HID Keyboard Device', then you are not using the correct (and latest) component(s).
Make sure you have loaded *both* .PEUpd file and latest version from SourceForge (see McuOnEclipse Releases on SourceForge | MCU on Eclipse ).
And you *have* to use the Init_USB_OTG component with its settings, you cannot use the other _LDD component you mention. It seems that your other setup is for a host? keep in mind that this HID Keyboard is for a device, not for a host setup. You certainly technically could switch between OTG and host mode, but this requires deep understanding of how USB and the USB block/driver works on the K60.
I hope this helps,
from the above link Processor Expert Component *.PEupd Files on GitHub | MCU on Eclipse ,
we have already downloaded FSL_USB_STACK component . but the keyboard stack (FSL_USB_HID_Keyboard_Device)is missing when i imported in to the processor expert.
kindly guide me from where to download the processor exprt component for FSL_USB_HID_Keyboard_Device.
1. demo project - interfacing usb keyboard to MK60DN512z
2. version of CodeWarrior -10.4
3. USB statck version-4.1.1
there is an example file in usb stack. but that processor expert component uses MAX3353. but we are not using that IC.
Hi Sandeep,
I downloaded the components from the link I provided ( Processor Expert Component *.PEupd Files on GitHub | MCU on Eclipse ), FSL_USB_HID_Keyboard_Device is available. please try disable the filter and see if this component exists
when you use it, make sure you set device class as HID Keyboard Device :
How does it works?
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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Hello Sandeep,
you need download and install pe component from this url:
Processor Expert Component *.PEupd Files on GitHub | MCU on Eclipse
I also recommend this article from Erich
Using the FRDM-KL25Z as USB Keyboard | MCU on Eclipse
Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang
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