Optimizing CodeWarrior on Power Architecture

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Optimizing CodeWarrior on Power Architecture

Optimizing CodeWarrior on Power Architecture

The rumors say that CodeWarrior (CW) can be turn into a faster and lighter tool to get optimal performance on some micros and processors. Such is the case of Power Architectures for e200 core. And guess what! Rumors are true and completely functional.


There is a document explaining how to make CW development suites faster and lighter, specifiying step by step the process to rock on programming power architecture features.


This document provides the two sets of options to produce optimal code generation. One set optimizes for speed; another set optimizes for size. You can choose from one of these or apply them both, getting a whole new experience on programming with this useful app note. Are you trying it already?


CodeWarrior Build Tools Options for Optimal Performance on the Power Architecture® e200 Core


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Last update:
‎09-09-2012 05:19 PM
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