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I have a very very basic question, how do you recheck the build checkbox in Codewarrior 10.5 IDE? I accidentally unchecked an item on the list while I was trying to expand the project view... The unchecked items are shown in the red box in the attached image. Is there away to recheck the build checkbox without deleting the item and re-including it again?
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Excluding header files anyway does not make any sense at all (see Exclude Source Files from Build in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse ).
You could try to reset it to the default:
Or use the checkbox as explained in Exclude Source Files from Build in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse
If that does not help, you still could change it in the .cproject file with a text editor.
I hope this helps,
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Thanks Erich! That fixed it!
Yea, I didn't mean to exclude anything in the first place... I was just un-checking another item to see if I can recheck it, and it happened to be a header file that I unchecked.

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Hi Dao,
move your mouse over the check box and check it:
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Hi Erich,
I placed my cursor at where there's supposed to be a check box but nothing showed up... Restarted a few times, it finally showed up, but not for the header files, I can't recheck the headers now... Any idea why that is?

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Excluding header files anyway does not make any sense at all (see Exclude Source Files from Build in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse ).
You could try to reset it to the default:
Or use the checkbox as explained in Exclude Source Files from Build in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse
If that does not help, you still could change it in the .cproject file with a text editor.
I hope this helps,