How can I have S32DS build a single elf file for a multicore project ?

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How can I have S32DS build a single elf file for a multicore project ?

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I am using a multi-core power architecture MCU and build code on S32DS  tool chain. The tool wants to create an *.elf for each core. I really need a single *.elf for my programming environment. How can I get the S32DS IDE to create a single elf file?

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Robert,

There is no switch in S32DS, which could be used for generating one .elf file or more .elf files. Creating one or more .elf files is mostly dependent on linker file.

But you can create new project and modify it on your own. Please look at the project in the attachment. It is simple example project which shows, how to modify necessary files. Example is created for MPC5748G, but it is usable for all MPC57xx family devices (with small changes). You can also find this file in S32DS(version 1.1) installation folder.

