How-to Directly Install CodeWarrior 6.3 Classic in Windows 10 or 7 x64 (Unofficial Method)

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How-to Directly Install CodeWarrior 6.3 Classic in Windows 10 or 7 x64 (Unofficial Method)

Contributor IV

CodeWarrior 6.3 is for most RS08, S08, ColdFire V1 Processors*

*Not compatibile with (S08: RN, RNA, PA, PT, Kinetis (including Tower), ColdFire V2 ...)


This post describes installing CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers (Classic IDE) - RS08/HC(S)08, ColdFire V1 v6.3

on 64-bit modern versions of Microsoft's operating systems e.g. Windows 7 and Windows 10. 


Some people could argue to use the Eclipse-based CodeWarrior and they have their points (some devices and situations require it). On the other hand Freescale long knew that Eclipse-based CodeWarrior is cumbersome. Here is a great article (now only available by archive since it was deleted) article by James Trudeau (formally of Freescale) about his teams unfinished but thoughtful effort: CodeWarrior 10.3 a new perspective.

Also for those who fondly remember programming Motorola parts with an Metrowerks IDE, give this a shot.

Typically you will get the error "CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers v6.3 is not compatible with Windows XP 64-bit installations" when trying to install under Windows 7/10 x64.

These methods are UNOFFICIAL and are not supported by NXP

– Do not contact NXP support for these methods. 


UNOFFICIAL community version Special Edition CodeWarrior "6.3.2" 

Download and install here:

Includes all updates, fixes, and service packs

  • For P&E Micro - just check the box for the install options - no extra steps needed
  • For USBDM - just check the box for the install options - use the USBDM firmware updater (start menu) if needed 


Any issues? Ask questions in this forum. 


Partial instructional video:

Freescale/NXP CodeWarrior Classic 6.3 Windows 10 x64 HCS08 RS08 CFV1 P&E Micro BDM - YouTube

Note: The video doesn't show the PE_Plugin.dll update or the P&E fix. Also the files names may be a little different.   

Main Installation steps (Windows 7/10 64-bit):

1. Download: CodeWarrior for Micro-controllers here (or here alt link): which is for most RS08, S08, ColdFire V1

2. Install 7Zip, and extract the exe (instead of running the exe; right click it and extract) to a folder

3. Download and extract (attached below or mirror) and move it your extracted folder.

4. Drag and drop CW_MCUs_V6_3.msi onto RemoveOSCheck.vbs giving a series of messages like "Launch Conditions Removed"

5. Run the setup.exe file located in the extracted folder. Do a custom install and uncheck the ICEbase and Softec under debugger drivers in the customization options. When you get a prompt skip the auto-updates process. 

Note: If you get an error "The wizard was interrupted ..." see this link #comment-1103754 

6. Install the updates listed below (most are not offered by the updater).

7. In the CW6.3 install folder in Program Files (x86) folder, under bin\plugins\com, *replace* PE_Plugin.dll with the one extracted from zip attachment at the bottom of this post. 

8. Run the software as administrator (using right click menu) at least once.

9. If your code is 64k or smaller use the free Special Edition license below. 

License Issues or lab cloning:

This license linked below was posted online by Freescale and is open to ANY hostid and doesn't expire which great for cloning machines. Is it a special edition license file limited to 64K or less of code. 

Assuming 7 or better, goto the "Start menu", type Notepad, right click the icon select run as administrator. Goto File -> Open and goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\license.dat, then open this license link (Freescale archive) to view the file in your browser. Highlight all the text (starting with # lines and down) in the browser and COPY and in notepad PASTE it over ALL the existing text in license.dat, then goto File -> Save.  This avoids any nasty file permission issues. 

If your license file only works when you run as CW as administrator, this is because of inherited permissions. I would delete the whole "CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3" folder reinstall and use the copy paste method above. 

List of updates for CW 6.3 backup link to downloads:

Always install these two: 

CW MCU v6.3 PE V3.09 - Patch.exe (It will warn about derivative updates not being installed; this is ok)

CW MCU v6.3.1 - Patch.exe

Install these if you want this derivative updates:

CW MCU v6.3 AG128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 AW16A Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 AW60 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 ColdFire V1 EM256-EM128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 HCS08 QE32 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 LH64-LL64 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 MM128JE128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 MM256-JE256 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 S08 AC128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 S08 SF4 Service Pack.exe

CW08_V6_3_PE_V3_08_SP.exe (Obsolete - Do not install/download) CW MCU v6.3 - Flash Patch.exe (Obsolete - Do not install/download - Instead see P&E instructions below) CW MCU v6.3 PE V3.08 - Patch.exe (Obsolete - Do not install/download)


P&E Micro BDM steps: Cyclone Pro, Cyclone Universal, USB BDM Multilink*, USB Multilink Universal, USB Multilink Universal FX. 

*Note: Rev. A of the USB-ML-12 is not supported in Windows 7/10 – Rev. C is supported but is discontinued product

1. Download and install the latest drivers (free login required)

2. According to this FAQ, download this zip Patch for CFV1/S08/RS08/MON08 3rd Party Software  extract it and follow the rest of steps in the README text file.

(Basically you need to merge the files from inside the "Patch" folder in the zip into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\prog\P&E".If you do it correctly, it should prompt you about overwriting a few files, do it.)

3. Run CW as administrator (using right click menu) including building and debugging/programming once.



I personally used this for a HCS08SH microcontroller with a Wytec USBDM with the latest and it works great. If you don't consider it because they are a fifth the price of other programmers and are open source hardware and software. You can also buy them on eBay for about $15 dollars US (white-ish box with three leds, black letters on the outside that says "USBDM" are the ones I have tested), but throw away the CD that comes with them. Follow the YouTube instructions below.  The project is currently hosted on

Watch a video on the process: USBDM CodeWarrior 6.3 5.1 5.2 Windows 10 x64 Install and Update Firmware - YouTube 


1. (Uninstall and re)Install latest USBDM software AFTER installing Codewarrior 6.3

2. (Uninstall the re)Install latest signed driver before plugging it in USB.

3. Use the firmware updater from the start menu to make sure the firmware is up to date

(TIP:  Try the verify button before trying to update to make sure all "update mode" drivers are installed; it may crash/hang the 1st verify, fail on the 2nd verify, but that is OK, thirdly do the update)

4. You'll need to select "HCS08 Open Source BDM" in the new project wizard in CW 6.3

Note that the automatic calculation of the clock trim doesn't work directly from CW6.3 debug you need to use the standalone USBDM HCS08 external programmer from the start menu (see posts below from USBDM dev PGO).

Dead Collector: Bring out yer dead!

Freescale: Here's one.

CodeWarrior Classic: "I'm not dead".

Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.

Freescale: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.

CodeWarrior Classic: I'm getting better. I work with Windows 10 x64 now.

NXP: What about this one? 

Freescale: Who me?

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89 Replies

Contributor IV

Did you follow the P&E Micro BDM steps?

Did you try to reinstall the P&E driver?

Did you try to run CW as Administrator by right clicking?

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hi Rodney, 

Sorry for the late reply. I did followed every steps, and I am able to use the Codewarrior. I reinstall the Driver For PEmicro many times, but it still have  problem with the Undetected message as shown above. What can I do? I am able to write the code but unable to debug or upload the code to the micro-controller by using Cylone Pro or Cylone Max. Please help.  

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Did you do the patch:

2. According to this FAQ, download this zip Patch for CFV1/S08/RS08/MON08 3rd Party Software  extract it and follow the rest of steps in the README text file.

(Basically you need to merge the files from inside the "Patch" folder in the zip into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\prog\P&E". If you do it correctly, it should prompt you about overwriting a few files, do it.)

This is not covered in the video. 

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hi Rodney, 

I did the patch as you suggested, but Codewarrior 6.3 still does not see the Cyclone Pro that I used. I have no problem with Codeworrior 6.3 on my Windows 7 laptop. I tried Codewarrior in both of my Desktop Windows 10 64bit and 32bit operating system. I still have the same error no matter what I do.

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Can you post a screenshot of the P&E connection window inside programming interface in CW 6.3?

Can you post a screenshot showing Windows device manager and the properties for the BDM device. 

Have you ever tried to use a open source USBDM? They are very inexpensive. 

0 Kudos

Contributor IV
0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I have installed the this last version The installation done well, but there is one issue with using this CW. I'm using Win10-64b, and if I'm disconnected from NXP internal web all works well. When I connect to internal NXP web, the CW is not able to perform compilation. CW get stuck. I think it is such "special" tool running on our internal web, which blocks this CW.

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

You can download the latest drivers for PEmicro products here! 

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hey Rodney, 

First off, great article!  Amazing to see my old faithful CodeWarrior running on my fancy Windows 10 machine. 

My install went well and the hardware communicates.  I can launch and debug just fine.  My problem is that portions of the project are no longer functioning.  My device no longer responds to USB traffic for example. 

Closer inspection revealed that the codes sizes listed in the link order for some of the files (including USB.c) are different...even though the entire project is copied directly from one machine to another.  Have you come across this / is this an X64 issue?



0 Kudos

Contributor IV

I would wonder if some settings are changed like optimization. 

Sometimes things like PRM files can get overwritten, what about things like clock trimming? 

Also did you do the updates or not? 

I would carefully compare things, sometimes things get changed when moving a project. 

I have never seen any issues like that, so I don't have a lot of advice. 

0 Kudos

Contributor I


You were absolutely correct!  When I followed the initial instructions, the patch download link didn't work.  A real quick search didn't yield results, so I moved on with the install and never went back to go find the patches.  That was absolutely the cause for my issues.  For anyone else looking for the patches, the way to do it was to log in to the NXP site, go under "Software and Licensing Support" then click on CW 6.3 and all the patch files will be listed.  

Thank you again for the instructions!

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hello, thank you for this wonderful article. I've successfully installed the Codewarrior software and everything is working how it should. However the link provided for the Codewarrior software CW_MCU_V6_3_SE.exe  didn't work for me. I kept hitting a error in installing dead end. The link available on the website worked fine for me. My Windows OS details are Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit.

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Thanks. I have seen that happen on a few machines. 

NXP has been purging old website downloads anyway, so I had update some links. 

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hi All,

my name is Fabio and I'm working with an 8 bit microcontroller MCS08JM60CQH.

I have installed Codewarrior 6.3 on Win 10 Pro.

I had the same problem above with the Processor Expert.

I replaced the PE_Plugin.dll and it solved the problem.

But now when I try to set any port of my device I get the message in the picture below.

CodeWarrior PE.jpg

It is not possible to set any port of the device from PTA to PTG.

It is possible to set other interfaces like SCI, TMP, ...

Thanks everybody for this discussion that helped me alot,


0 Kudos

Contributor II

It works!  Thanks.  I had to reboot after installing the new plugin, but it no longer crashes on exit.

0 Kudos

Contributor II

Thanks for posting this.  I have a problem when I run CW 6.3 with PE 3.09 on my Windows 10 machine with Processor Expert.  If I suspend PE or close CW it crashes.


If I create a project without PE I can exit cleanly.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

I added a fix for this, in the first post. 

You have to update PE_Plugin.dll 

0 Kudos

Contributor I

CW 6.3 with W7 64 bits and OSBDM tool

Hi All,

My name is Sebastian, and I am having a problem that I´m sure is already solved.

I used to be a happy HCS08 Developer, running CW 6.3 in my old WXP 32bits PC...programming the MCU with locar third party OSBDM Tool ( that only needed LibUSB and OpenSourceBDM to be configured).

Unfortunatelly, one day my old Motherboard decided to leave me, soy I bougth a new Gigabyte one, with a quite modern Intel Chipset (Series 8 /220 series) with a i3 CPU.

My Idea was to have a dual boot, one XP 32bits and on W7 64bits.

My first problem was that the MBoard does not support Xp.. more over, it didn't recognice the SATA 3 disk. Reading and trying drivers I finally reached to install XP 32, but it si very innestable (bluescreen  almost every 2/3 hours, and problems with the USB ports (ver3!!!)

AFter this, I change my mind and decided to install a single OS... W7 64bits where everythings is supported...BUT... here starts my CW problems.

I tryed several ways, and I have success in installing, editing and compiling programs. I feel that the best choice is the Virtual PC installation...easy, clear.

The problem is with the OSBDM tool... I couldn't find the way to install it:

W7 detect the new hw, but when i show the XP drivers directory it fails... I tryed to 64 bits versions of LibUSB, but it still reject the programming tool.

I tryed to install the drivers directly in the Virtual PC, but I am not able to attach the tool (I guess that I need to have it running in W7 first).

Now, after many days (and nigths) trying, reading and searching, I am without more ideas... that's why I ask you for your help.

Thank you in advance,


PS: PLS forgive my poor English

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

In order to use the OSBDM you need to update the firmware.

You should use the firmware from:

You should use the drivers from:

Also you should consider getting a USBDM to replace the OSBDM.

0 Kudos

Contributor I


Thank you for this tutorial. Unfortunately I still have one problem left that I cannot solve: Error: Can not enter background mode.

I had no problem with Win7 64 bits, but ever since I upgraded to Win10 I cannot connect to my HCS08 microprocessor using USB BDM Multilink Rev. C.

I have re-installed CodeWarrior 6.3 following all the steps described above, ran all the 12 update packages, intalled the latests PE Micro drivers, copied the files from P&E CW 6.3 full fix and rebooted Windows, but still the BDM cannot connect.

Is there something I have been doing wrong??

Thank you for your help!


0 Kudos

Contributor IV

After talking with Fred, it seems his P&E multilink had a hardware issue (it didn't even work under XP). So I think this is resolved. Thanks for letting us help you with this. :smileyhappy:

But, after talking with him, I thought I should update the video on the top post to include a complete walkthrough showing programming with a chip with CW 6.3 Win 10 64-bit with a P&E maroon multilink (USB-ML-12 Rev. C). The Rev. A is not compatible, so check the bottom label. I hope this clears things up.

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