Generate processor expert code stucks on an Infinite Loop on com.freescale.processorexpert.core: {{DEVELOPMENT}} Duplicated symbol found during saving component state - invalid component: pwm_pal, symbol: pwmCfg_0

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Generate processor expert code stucks on an Infinite Loop on com.freescale.processorexpert.core: {{DEVELOPMENT}} Duplicated symbol found during saving component state - invalid component: pwm_pal, symbol: pwmCfg_0

Contributor I

I am trying to build my project through the command line and when I am trying to generate processor expert code using the following command:


"C:\NXP\S32DS_Power_v2017.R1\eclipse\eclipsec".exe -noSplash -data E:\Applications\dummyWorkspace -application com.freescale.processorexpert.core.PExApplication -generate application_processor_Z4


It gets stuck on an infinite loop at this line:


com.freescale.processorexpert.core: {{DEVELOPMENT}} Duplicated symbol found during saving component state - invalid component: pwm_pal, symbol: pwmCfg_0


I am working with NXP S32DS version:

Here are the installed software versions:

The processor I am working with: MPC5748C

On the same computer when I tried generating code for MPC5748G processor that works as expected. Need some guidance.

 Let me know if any further clarification is needed.

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