Dump Data from registers in real time

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Dump Data from registers in real time

874 次查看
Contributor I


I'm using CSMB12 freescale microcontroller. And I used ATD to convert the result of sensors. So I have 4 registers related to outputs of the ATD  (ATDDR0L-ATDDR3L). Is there any way to save the result of out put in the real time?

Because when i debugg it with "True-Time simulator and real time debugger", i just can see the result when i stopped running. And i couldn't find any way to dump my registers in a seperate file in a real time.

Does any body have any idea? Thanks for your help.




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440 次查看
Contributor III

There's probably some way to dump the four registers repeatedly into a file that I don't know about.  In the meantime, you might want to do something like this.



//global variablesunsigned char ATDBuf[1000];unsigned short ATDBufIndex = 0;//routine to take snapshot of ATD registersunsigned char ATDSnapshot(void){    if(ATDBufIndex + 3 < sizeof(ATDBuf)){        ATDBuf[ATDBufIndex++] = ATDDR0L;        ATDBuf[ATDBufIndex++] = ATDDR1L;        ATDBuf[ATDBufIndex++] = ATDDR2L;        ATDBuf[ATDBufIndex++] = ATDDR3L;        return 1;    }    return 0;}


So you can record the registers in real time in memory.


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