Hi Everyone,
Does anyone know the Codewarrior( ver.) for MPC5643L ?.
I have Greenhils compiler. If anyone have information about how to make a new project, compile using Greenhils compiler and download using trace32 or USB multilink please guide me.
Thanks and Regards
Solved! Go to Solution.
I've just checked the Leopard project generated by the CodeWarrior v2.6 and I don't see any alignment issue there.
Leopard INTC controller requires 0x1000 alignment. Please see INTC_IACKR register that defines the address where to branch when INTC interrupt occurs. INT_IACKR[VTBA] defines Vector Table Base Address - remaining bits have to be set to 0 -> this is why the vector table alignment is 0x1000.
Linker Command File:
.intc_sw_isr_vector_table_p0 ALIGN (2048) : {}
this defines 0x1000 alignment for sw. vector mode - which is default INTC mode in the CodeWarrior generated project.
Regarding IVOR initialization:
Exception tables IVORs for p0 and p1are initialized here:
ivor_branch_table_p0.c - ivor_branch_table_p0()
ivor_branch_table_p1.c- ivor_branch_table_p1()
Hi Redevil,
CodeWarrior v2.6 has been just released. This version directly supports Leopard (MPC5643L).
You can download the special edition here.
stanish wrote:CodeWarrior v2.6 has been just released. This version directly supports Leopard (MPC5643L).
I installed it, but the MPC5643L support is broken. At least the example files.
E.g.: The linker scripts places the vector table at 0x1000, but Leopard needs 64K alignment. And the IVORs are not loaded (551x comment in the source).
I've just checked the Leopard project generated by the CodeWarrior v2.6 and I don't see any alignment issue there.
Leopard INTC controller requires 0x1000 alignment. Please see INTC_IACKR register that defines the address where to branch when INTC interrupt occurs. INT_IACKR[VTBA] defines Vector Table Base Address - remaining bits have to be set to 0 -> this is why the vector table alignment is 0x1000.
Linker Command File:
.intc_sw_isr_vector_table_p0 ALIGN (2048) : {}
this defines 0x1000 alignment for sw. vector mode - which is default INTC mode in the CodeWarrior generated project.
Regarding IVOR initialization:
Exception tables IVORs for p0 and p1are initialized here:
ivor_branch_table_p0.c - ivor_branch_table_p0()
ivor_branch_table_p1.c- ivor_branch_table_p1()
Hi Stanish,
Thanks a lot for your help
I have one more query.
Is there Rappid tool available for MPC5643L?
Thanks and Regards
Hello Redevil,
I've noticed that IVOR registers initialization is indeed missing in the Lopard stationery.
I've logged this issue into our defect tracking database under the number MTWX41827.
Rappid tool for Leopard should be available in Q4.
Hi Stanish ,
I was trying to download sample code for clock and pll in the daughter card for MPC5643l
using Trace 32 debugger.
Sample code is for MPC5604P but register set is same for leopard and pictus MCU.
Problem is Mode entry module is not entering in to RUN0 state and on giving the command
to switch from SAFE mode to RUN0 mode it causes invalid mode request interrupt.
I will be grateful if you can assist me on this problem.
You can check the CW example codes for the sample code ( PLLSYSCLK) i am trying to download.
Hi Redevil,
I'd recommend you to download the latest CodeWarrior Classic for MPC55xx/MPC56xx v2.x available here:
CodeWarrior Dev Tools for MPC55xx/MPC56xx|Freescale
or CodeWarrior (Eclipse) for MCU v 10.6 available here:
It includes several defect fixes related to Leopard stationery.
I've created a Leopard project and transferred PLL SYSCLK example into it.
Please check if it works well on your side. I do not observe any interrupt...
Hi Stanish,
Me and my colleagues have tried your sample code and the problem we are facing is the MCU is not transiting
to DRUN mode and its always stuck in the safe mode.
Please suggest what might be the reason and solution .
Thanks and regards
stanish wrote:Hi Redevil,
I'd recommend you to download the latest CodeWarrior for MPC55xx/MPC56xx v2.7 available here:
It includes several defect fixes related to Leopard stationery.
I've created a Leopard project and transferred PLL SYSCLK example into it.
Please check if it works well on your side. I do not observe any interrupt...
I'd recommend you to try the example here:
Example MPC5643L Flash_program_simple CW210
It includes the code that initialize mode entry, clock, clears fails..etc.
Hi stanish,
I have just downloaded the code from ur given link.
I installed CW v2.7 and compiled ur code.I didn't see the PLL lock condition.
I am also trying to initialize the PLL for MPC5643L ...Pls can u give share some idea or steps to follow.
Hi stanish,
Hi Redevil,
As you mention above I have downloaded and installed the CodeWarrior for MPC55xx/MPC56xx v2.7 from your given link.
After installation its showing CW_ColdFire_7.2_SE in my system ......and also I couldn't find the MPC5643L derivative while creating a new project.
Please help in this regard
Best Regards
Hi Stanish,
Thanks for that information.
And yes today I also faced the same problem with IVOR register initialization.
Anyways please post the patch here for the same.
Thanks and Regards