i am trying to interface LCD hd44780 or similar to a microcontroller MC9S08PA16 but seem to get errors in LCD_CTRL_PORT, SFRPAGE, SFRPAGE_SAVE lines along with a few others. Please bare with me as i am new to freescale and code warrior. I have attached the main file if you wish to take a look.
Original Attachment has been moved to: main.c.zip
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Hello Avdit,
Here are answers to your queries:
1. Analog input refers to the voltage you have applied on the pin like 1V or 3V. Maximum voltage can be the MCU supply voltage, ie, either 3.3V or 5V. 256 is the decimal number.
2. suppose your supply is 3.3V, resolution is 8bits, then 3.3V --> 255, 0.14V --> (0.14/3.3)*255 = ~10. So your ADC value will be around 10.
3. this is the number of bits for the adc result. like if 8bit, then maximum voltage will corresponds to 255(2^8-1), if 10bits, it will be 1023 (2^10-1) and so on..
Regarding code:
It seems you continuously want to read ADC. In this case, you can enable continuous conversion:
ADC_SC1_ADCO = 1; /*Continuous conversion enable*/
While reading the result:
result = ADC_RL;
It should work. If it doesn't, let me know where your code is getting hanged.
Thanks and Regards
Arpita Agarwal
Hi Ian,
Thanks for the help. Coincidentally, I had tried using const float
minutes before your reply. It works :smileyhappy:
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Ian Legg <admin@community.freescale.com>
Using const will place the data in ROM. This is mentioned in .prm file.
Moreover, if you specifically want to put the data at particular flash location, you can define a data segment for the same.
Divide the ROM into two part (as per the size requirement) in .prm file as shown:
ROM_USER = READ_WRITE 0xC000 TO 0xC3E8; //for LUT of 1000 bytes
in placements:
Use #pragma where LUT will be defined as shown:
#pragma DATA_SEG "FLASH"
float LUT_test[250];
This way, your LUT will be at the fixed location of 0xC000.
I am sorry to keep on pestering you guys. Arpita, I tried Ian's way of
using const float test[250], which works fine but in my program I seem to
have the following problem:
int compute_stove_temp(int t)
temp2=t*0.0129; // converts to 3.3V scale
rt=((3.3/temp2)-1); // Rt div R =( (3.3)/(input) -1 )
{stove=q;} // if ratio matches then temperature =
q(location in the array)
return stove;
For some reason, the value stored in' stove' is always 251 no matter what
the input is. The computation before the for-loop works just fine.
Thanks for all your help,
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Arpita Agarwal <
Do you want the first location value (q) in stove where (rt>=RtR[q]) condition becomes true??
If so, you need to put break after stove=q; statement.
Else, if rt>=RtR[251], the 'for' loop will run to 251, changing stove values in every iteration and finally writing 251 in stove variable before returning.
Hence, you will always see 251 in stove.
I changed the settings to use float IEEE32 but in my program the
variable does not store any value when I compute the following:
float temp= (bcd/256)*3.3;
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Avdit Singh Kohli <
Hi Avdit,
Have a look here: Adding/Removing Floating Point Format for S08 Projects | MCU on Eclipse
Of course remembering that adding floating point will increase your runtime and may in fact be counter productive!
Hi Arpita,
Thanks for your help. I changed the ADCO bit in order to enable
continuous conversion. I am using pin no.19 i.e. ADC1 so what should be
value I send to ADC_SC1? Only when I am sending 0b00100010 do i get any
value in my result but logically shouldn't i send 0b0010001. Anyways, that
value remains constant even when I change the incoming to-be-measured
Hi Ian,
Thanks for all your help. I understood and made the changes you
suggested. The 0x80 allows access to the first letter on the first line of
the lcd. Basically i wanted to make sure that the data is written at the
right location. Do let me know if you think otherwise!
On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Ian Legg <admin@community.freescale.com>
Are the delays needed to be exactly as mentioned on the datasheet or
will a value greater than the specified one work as well? With my bus clock
frequency at 8MHz isnt the delay used sufficient. I did modify my program
to work with two kinds of delay. Do have a look
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Ian Legg <admin@community.freescale.com>
Hello Avdit,
The delays must be at least the data sheet specified values and usually a little longer to allow for tolerances. There is no upper limit for the delays other than I think the E signal because it is effectively a clock. So, for example, after writing a character to the display one would usually wait 47us (or check the busy flag) but there is no reason why one couldn't wait 1 second, it just depends how fast one needs to communicate with the display.
Having looked at your code it might be personal preference but you might be better using the RTC peripheral to generate time delays as opposed to software loops? You'd then have known length delays that are not dependant on the bus clock frequency etc.
As I can see there are no delays (47us+) after you write each character of your display message or suitable delays after the commandwrite(0x30) sequence. Again check the data sheet as I think there needs to be 4.5ms delays or similar between those commands?
Hope this helps.