I have made a cdc device work well
but not its time to move to completly usb
Im using a JM60 and im under windows 7 X64 and vs2010
I did listen to How to make a graphical user interface (GUI) for USB communication training twice
My vs project is in CLR (way more easier to build gui)
and at the part to drag the dll into the tool box I get a bug
placing it work but trying to place the simple usb into my form throw and error about LFSwinusb.dll in vs install directory (that file doesnt exist. and the object is not created
Anyone made that work?
Ive also spend 2-3 hours trying to make winusb work but im not able to make all that compile
In this topic, it was discussed once.
SimpleUSB & Windows 7
I have read it
im using C++ now C#
and I couldn t get it to compile
But now it work (have tried a device yet)
had to run vs in admin to add the simple usb dll component then i could use it as a user