MC9RS08LE4 - Can't toggle a port pin!

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MC9RS08LE4 - Can't toggle a port pin!

Contributor I



I created a very simple project for a 28-pin MC9RS08LE4 in CodeWarrior V6.3 with the Processor Expert.


I pasted the _EntryPoint( ) and main( ) below.  All I do is set port A and C as outputs and toggle the pins high/low in a loop.


Both port C pins toggle, but none of the port A do.


I've also tried toggling ports C and D with no luck.  


I'm using a PE Multilink Universal.  Right now I have 4 pins solderd to the PCB - Vcc, GND, PTB0 and PTB1. 


I've replaced the chip, tried various internal clock settings, tried enabling pull-ups, high drive strength - nothing works.


Why does only Port C work?!


Thanks for any suggestions you can give me,





void _EntryPoint(void){  /* ### MC9RS08LE4_28 "Cpu" init code ... */  /*  PE initialization code after reset */  /* Common initialization of the write once registers */  /* SOPT: COPE=0,COPT=1,STOPE=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,BKGDPE=1,RSTPE=0 */  setReg8(SOPT, 0x42);                    /* SPMSC1: LVDF=0,LVDACK=0,LVDIE=0,LVDRE=1,LVDSE=1,LVDE=1,??=0,BGBE=0 */  setReg8(SPMSC1, 0x1C);                  /*  System clock initialization */  if (*(unsigned char* __paged)CONVERT_TO_PAGED(0x3FFA) != 0xFF) { /* Test if the device trim value is stored on the specified address */    ICSTRM = *(unsigned char* __paged)CONVERT_TO_PAGED(0x3FFA); /* Initialize ICSTRM register from a non volatile memory */    ICSSC = *(unsigned char* __paged)CONVERT_TO_PAGED(0x3FFB); /* Initialize ICSSC register from a non volatile memory */  }  /* ICSC1: CLKS=0,RDIV=0,IREFS=1,IRCLKEN=1,IREFSTEN=0 */  setReg8(ICSC1, 0x04);                /* Initialization of the ICS control register 1 */   /* ICSC2: BDIV=0,RANGE=0,HGO=0,LP=0,EREFS=0,ERCLKEN=0,EREFSTEN=0 */  setReg8(ICSC2, 0x00);                /* Initialization of the ICS control register 2 */   /*** End of PE initialization code after reset ***/  __asm   jmp _Startup ;               /* Jump to C startup code */}

void main(void)
//  PE_low_level_init();

  PTADD = 0xFF;
  PTCDD = 0xFF;
    PTAD = 0xFF;
    PTCD = 0xFF;

    PTAD = 0x00;
    PTCD = 0x00;

  /*** Don't write any code pass this line, or it will be deleted during code generation. ***/
  /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/
  /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T WRITE CODE BELOW!!! ***/
} /*** End of main routine. DO NOT MODIFY THIS TEXT!!! ***/

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Contributor I

Apparently all GPIO port pins need pull-ups except Port C ...?

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