Hi all,
Just now I am trying to connect the MC9S08PL with LIN bus using one of the available UARTs. MC9S08PL16 work as LIn master node, MC9S08PL8 work as LIN slave node, does any official library or example code that support this? or Could someone point me to any material that can help me to develop it?
Thank you.
PLease check the following link
I am sure that the PL is not supported on this tool, but the S08PT or the S08RN has support and has the same UART module
We download this driver, but we do not see LIN demo example for S08PT or S08RN, could you help check it? Thanks.
Yes, you are right, but you can use the demo for the DZ as a reference, the DZ RN, PT and PL family has the same SCI module SCI_V4, please check it on table Table 2-1. Target Platform of the LIN_User_Manual you can find the document normally on this folder
And a good sample is on
I hope this will help you