MCU is MC9S08LC60. Stop3 mode supply current in A.6 Supply Current Characteristics in the datasheet indicated typically 660nA. But 20μA as maximum. This values are so different and I wonder maximum value depends on temperature or mcu in mass production in 25°C?
How should I interpret these values in datasheet:
May any LC60 at 25°C consume current 20μA in stop3 mode? If yes, I want to learn the ratio.
or it means, All LC60 at 85°C consume current 20μA in stop3 mode?
I mean what is typical, what is maximum for this parameter?
I have a battery powered application that is capable of working in -40°C/+85°C.
If the value is 660nA for all LC60 at 25°C and it may vary to 20μA over temperature, this is acceptable for our application.
If the value is 660nA for most LC60 but 20μA for fews at 25°C, this is not acceptable and We have to control this value at our mass production.