Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:40 pm
Hi All,
I cant seem to get the I2C Module to interrupt my processor.
I setup th IIC1F register for 100kbps,
I put #%11111000 into the IIC1C register,
I clear the IIC1S register and then,
I put the address of the slave into the IIC1D register and RTS
I was under the assumption that I should now get an interrupt from the I2C module when the transfer is complete, but this is not happening
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:54 pm
Look at sei/cli, any other interrupt mask bits, do SW simulation first, check all the interupt mask chain and so on... Or send more info or code sample.
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 11:12 am
Thanks for the reply.
Problem solved, I was not sending a start signal. Supposed to toggle Master Mode Select Bit in the IIC1C register from 0-slave mode to 1-master mode in order to send a start signal.
Didnt read the book properly.....
Live and learn I suppose.....