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The Wandboard is a ultra low power complete computer with high performance multimedia capabilities based around the new upcoming Freescale i.MX6 Cortex-A9 processor and comes with a dazzling 1Ghz processor HDMI display interface and gigabit ethernet. The dualcore version of the Wandboard (The Wandboard DUAL) not only features 1GB of memory but also has onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Wandboard Solo Wandboard Dual Processor Freescale i.MX6 Solo Freescale i.MX6 Duallite Cores Cortex-A9 Single core Cortex-A9 Dual core Memory 512 MB DDR3 1 GB DDR3 Audio • • Optical S/PDIF • • HDMI • • Camera interface • • micro SD cardslot 2 2 Serial port • • Expansion Header • • USB • • USB OTG • • SATA connector Not populated Not populated Gigabit LAN • • WIFI (802.11n) • Bluetooth • 69 USD 89 USD www.wandboard.org Contact person : wandboard@gmail.com
Here is a video that shows the NFC feature integrated into our Android Lollipop 5.0.0 code base. It is running on our Nitrogen6x platform along with the NXP PN7120 development kit. The video shows that a NFC tag, programmed with Boundary's URL, is automatically read and starts the Browser accordingly. In order to read/write data from a NFC data, Android provides a fully documented API. If you seek an existing application to write tags, here are a couple of options: NXP TagWriter app StickyNotes sample code For more information, please visit http://boundarydevices.com/
Mar 13, 2020: imx_builder_03122020.tgz  --- change the i.MX8MN  configuration.  Dec 11, 2019: imx_builder_12112019.tgz --- add support  L4.19.35_1.1.0 August 28, 2019:  imx_builder_08282019.tgz   --- add i.MX8MM July 03, 2019:  imx_builder_07032019.tgz --- add i.MX8QM: build_i.MX8  Feb 26, 2020: imx_builder_02262020 --- add i.MX8MN, add spl m4 for build_i.MX8, build_i.MX8X with L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga, L4.14.98_2.2.0, L4.19.35_1.1.0 imx_builder_02262020: imx_builder |-- atf -> bsp/imx-atf |-- bsp -> REL/rel_imx_4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- build -> build_i.MX8X/L4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- build_i.MX6 |   |-- L3.0.x |   |-- L3.1x.xx |   |-- L4.14.xx |   |-- L4.19.xx |   `-- L4.1.xx |-- build_i.MX8 |   |-- before_L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.2.0 |   `-- L4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- build_i.MX8M |   |-- before.L4.19.35 |   `-- L4.19.35 |-- build_i.MX8MM |   |-- before.L4.19.35 |   `-- L4.19.35 |-- build_i.MX8MN |   `-- L4.19.35 |-- build_i.MX8X |   |-- before_L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.2.0 |   `-- L4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- dts -> linux/arch/arm/boot/dts |-- dts64 -> linux/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale |-- dts_uboot -> u-boot/arch/arm/dts |-- imx-mkimage -> bsp/imx-mkimage |-- linux -> bsp/linux-imx |-- m4_img |   |-- m4_1_image.bin -> rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos_imxcm4.bin |   |-- m4_image.bin -> power_mode_switch.bin |   `-- readme.txt |-- Makefile -> build/Makefile |-- Others |   |-- clk_module |   |-- cryptodev-linux-1.8 |   |-- helloworld_module |   |-- key_blob_module |   `-- spi |-- out |-- README -> build/README |-- REL |-- scfw -> bsp/scfw |-- SETTINGS.MK -> build/SETTINGS.MK |-- toolchains |   `-- scfw |-- u-boot -> bsp/uboot-imx `-- VERSION.MK imx_builder is a set of Makefile for build u-boot, Linux kernel, atf, scfw, imx-mkimage.  You can call it standalone build. here is the step to try it.  You can use  -n for make to get the detail build steps. ex:  make atf -n         make linux.Image -n L4.14.78_ga as example: 1. Untar  imx_builder_02282019.tgz 2. Read the  Standalone_Build_Preparation.pdf inside to prepare the bsp. 3. Prepare the toolchains(populate_sdk from yocto, get from linaro, get from buildroot, etc.) 4. Prepare scfw toolchains following the SCFW Porting Kit.  5. Follow the Standalone_Build_Preparation.pdf to check if the Build Structure is correct. Build Structure L4.14.78_1.0.0_ga as example. Prepare rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga in REL Make symbol link to REL/rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga Make symbol link to build_i.MX8X   imx_builder/ |-- atf -> bsp/imx-atf |-- bsp -> REL/rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga |-- build -> build_i.MX8X |-- build_i.MX6 |-- build_i.MX8M |-- build_i.MX8X |   |-- Makefile -> Makefile.4.14.78_ga |   |-- Makefile.4.14.78_ga |   |-- README |   |-- SETTINGS_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga.MK |   |-- SETTINGS.MK -> SETTINGS_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga.MK |   `-- VERSION.MK |-- dts -> linux/arch/arm/boot/dts |-- imx-mkimage -> bsp/imx-mkimage |-- linux -> bsp/linux-imx |-- Makefile -> build/Makefile |-- Others |-- out |-- README -> build/README |-- REL |   `-- rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga |       |-- firmware-imx-8.0.bin |       |-- imx-atf |       |-- imx-mkimage |       |-- imx-sc-firmware-1.1.bin(optional) |       |-- imx-scfw-porting-kit-1.1.tar.gz |       |-- linux-imx |       `-- uboot-imx |-- scfw -> bsp/scfw |-- SETTINGS.MK -> build/SETTINGS.MK |-- Standalone_Build_Preparation.pdf |-- toolchains |   `-- scfw |       `-- gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q2-update |-- u-boot -> bsp/uboot-imx `-- VERSION.MK -> build/VERSION.MK
Introduction i.MX6SoloX and i.MX7D SoC contain embedded Cortex-M4 core. In a common use-case, this core runs a firmware loaded by u-boot bootloader. If you however want to debug your application for the Cortex-M4 core, you may need to reload the firmware in the secondary core without restarting Linux running on the Cortex-A core. For this reason, a tool was created: imx-m4fwloader. The project is released as open source under GPL-2.0 licence here: GitHub - NXPmicro/imx-m4fwloader: Tool for loading firmware to M4 core on i.MX6SX and 7D  I hope this tool will help to bring up faster your application for i.MX6SoloX and i.MX7D SoC! How to use this Either use the pre-built version Or use the environment provided to you by Yocto: For example: source /opt/poky/1.8/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi $CC m4fwloader.c -o m4fwloader You get m4fwloader binary... Then you need to build your M4 application and link it to some address. (e.g 0x00910000, try: https://github.com/EmbeddedRPC/erpc-imx-demos/tree/master/MCU/example_rpmsg) Load it using m4fwloader: ./m4fwloader myapp.bin 0x00910000 Optionally use --verbose parameter to see what is written to each registers Warning: Use this tool for debugging only, since it accesses directly the registers from the user space and requires therefore root priviledges! You have been warned... 🙂 Optionally, you can trigger an interrupt using message unit (MU) to the M4 core to get RPMsg started - this is normally done by Linux Kernel during startup: ./m4fwloader kick 0 Whole usage is here: m4fwloader [filename.bin] [0xLOADADDR] [--verbose] # loads new firmware or: m4fwloader stop # holds the auxiliary core in reset or: m4fwloader start # releases the auxiliary core from reset or: m4fwloader kick [n] # triggers interrupt on RPMsg virtqueue n
iWave i.MX6 Demo with Qt
Introduction Currently there is not an easy procedure to build Qt 5.1 with hardware acceleration support for Freescale i.MX6 platform. This document describes the steps necessary to download all the prerequisite oftware, build Qt 5.1 code and examples, and verify the hardware acceleration support status. Required Software 1.     To start building, we need some development tools. This build is verified on LTIB (L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source.tar.gz downloaded from FreeScale website) and cross-compiled on a Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit PC. Verify that gpu-viv-bin-mx6q option is enabled in the LTIB configuration.                    $ mkdir -p ~/BSP                    $ cd ~/BSP                    $ tar -xzvf L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source.tar.gz   2.     Download Qt 5.1.1 source code from the Qt-project website. Create a build directory and extract the content in it.                    $ mkdir -p ~/Qt5                    $ cd ~/Qt5                    $ tar -xJvf qtbase-opensource-src-5.1.1.tar.xz Build procedure: 1.     Enter the Qt5 build directory and create a configuration script as follows:                   $ cd ~/Qt5/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.1.1/qtbase                   $ vi config.imx6                   #!/bin/sh                   ./configure -opensource -confirm-license -make libs -device imx6 \                   -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=\                   /opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.13-linaro-multilib-2011.12/fsl-linaro-toolchain/bin/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi- \                  -no-pch -no-opengl -no-icu                  -no-c++11 \                  -opengl es2 \                  -eglfs \                  -compile-examples \   2.     Edit the device configuration to specify the root file system of the BSP. Make sure the config file contains lines that match with what lists below                    $ cd ~/Qt5/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.1.1/qtbase/mkspecs/devices/linux-imx6-g++                    $ vi qmake.conf                    ROOTFS=/home/trainee/BSP/L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source/ltib/rootfs                    QMAKE_INCDIR           += $$ROOTFS/usr/include                    QMAKE_LIBDIR           += $$ROOTFS/usr/lib                    QMAKE_LFLAGS           += -Wl,-rpath-link,$$ROOTFS/usr/lib   3.     Run the configuration script and make sure that Qt5 has openGL ES 2.0 support when it is complete. Note that you must run 'make confclean' to remove the previous configuration when any hanges are made to the script.                 $ ./config.imx6                           This is the Qt Open Source Edition.                           You are licensed to use this software under the terms of  the Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL) versions 2.1.                           You have already accepted the terms of the  license.                           Creating qmake...                            ….                            ….                            Support enabled for:                            Accessibility  .......... yes                            ….                            OpenGL .................. yes (OpenGL ES 2.x)                             ….                            Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.             Once everything is built, you must run 'make install'.             Qt will be installed into             /home/trainee/BSP/L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source/ltib/rootfs/usr/local/Qt5.1.1             Prior to reconfiguration, make sure you remove any leftovers from             the previous build.   4.     Do a build. Note that all the libraries are copied to the appropriate directories in the root file system.                    $ make all -j8                    $INSTALL_ROOT=/home/trainee/BSP/L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source/ltib/rootfs/ sudo                    make install        5.     Build the examples                $ cd examples                $ make   6.     Copy an example (hellogl_es2) used to demonstrate openGL ES to the root file system.                $ sudo cp opengl/hellogl_es2/hellogl_es2                /home/trainee/BSP/L3.0.35_4.0.0_130424_source/ltib/rootfs/    Verify h/w acceleration support: 1.     Boot the board and verify that the galcore module is installed               $ cat /proc/devices | grep galcore               $ ls /dev/galcore   2.     Set up the required Qt environment               $ export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/Qt-5.1.1/plugins/        3.     Run the example. You shall see a rotating Qt logo on the display.               $ cd /               $ ./hellogl_es       4.     Run top command and it shows the application running with a very low (0 – 1 %) cpu usage.               $ top                 PID PPID USER     STAT   VSZ %VSZ CPU       %CPU COMMAND                                      2820 2809  root         S         188m 21.5   0              0.7       ./hellogl_es2 About Adeneo Embedded Adeneo Embedded provides system integration, design, support and training services to companies seeking world-class expertise in embedded solutions using high-performance architectures. For over 10 years, Adeneo Embedded has helped clients, in all stages of development; create profitable, feature-rich products that incorporate software and hardware solutions based on Android, Embedded Linux, Windows Embedded or Windows Mobile operating systems. Close working partnerships with industry-leading silicon and software vendors allow Adeneo Embedded to apply its experience to a wide range of embedded solutions for the automotive, industrial, medical,  multi-media, navigation,  networking, mobile and wireless markets. Adeneo Embedded has a global sales and support network backed by engineering offices in North America and Europe. Further information For more information about Adeneo Embedded competences, products and services around Windows Embedded technologies: Ä  visit Adeneo Embedded dedicated web site               www.adeneo-embedded.com Ä  Adeneo Embedded General sales contact                 sales@adeneo-embedded.com For a local contact in Ä  Europe, please contact Jeremy Delicato                   jdelicato@adeneo-embedded.com Ä  America, please contact Mike Ruiz                            mruiz@adeneo-embedded.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVDKr18E6l4&feature=player_embedded   Published on Aug 4, 2012 by mgrunditz Qt 5 qt3d demo Category: Science & Technology License: Standard YouTube License
The MYD-JX8MX development board is a versatile platform based on the NXP i.MX 8M Quad processors which feature 1.3GHz quad ARM Cortex-A53 cores and a real-time ARM Cortex-M4 co-processor and provide industry-leading audio, voice, and video processing for applications that scale from consumer home audio to industrial building automation and mobile computers. It is built around the MYC-JX8MX CPU Module and has brought out rich peripherals through connectors and headers such as 4 x USB 3.0 Host ports and 1 x USB 3.0 Host/Device port, Gigabit Ethernet, TF card slot, USB based Mini PCIe interface for 4G LTE Module, WiFi/BT, Audio In/Out, HDMI, 2 x MIPI-CSI, MIPI-DSI, 2 x LVDS display interfaces, NVMe PCIe M.2 2280 SSD Interface, etc. It is provided with both Linux and Android software package and delivered with necessary cable accessories for customer to easily start development as soon as getting it out-of-box. A MIPI Camera Module MY-CAM003 is provided as an option for the board. More information can be found from MYIR's website: MYD-JX8MX Development Board | i.MX 8M ARM Board-Welcome to MYIR                       
PMIC PF3000/3001 + i.MX 6UL Resources: ========================================================================================================================= Upload the latest version D as enclosed, SCH-29105 KIT6UL_3000EVM Version D and SCH-29105 KIT6UL_3000EVM Version D. The attachment SCH-29105 KIT6UL-3000EVM Version C.zip includes i.MX 6UL 14x14 + PMIC PF3000(KIT6UL-3000EVM, SCH-29105 Rev.C) related files: No. Files in SCH-29105 KIT6UL-3000EVM Version C.zip 1 SPF-29105_C.pdf is the corresponding schematic PDF version. 2 SCH-29105_C.zip is the schematic. 3 LAY-29105_C.zip is the PCB layout. 4 750-29105_C BOM.xls is the BOM.   Its i.MX 6UL 14x14 + PMIC PF3000 BSP: Apply PF3000 driver patch in imx_3.14.52_1.1.0_ga http://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/linux-2.6-imx.git/commit/?h=imx_3.14.52_1.1.0_ga&id=e5a7a72cd51a585b8f1a1e299bf88fff44b94440 Apply 0001-add-pf3000-on-imx6ul-evk-board.patch, see the attachment. Apply 0003-correct-arm-soc-regulator-for-pf300.patch, see the attachment. Apply 0001-u-boot-add-pf3000-support-on-imx6ul-14x14-evk-board.patch, see the attachment.        2.  Update customer board dts as the above 0001-add-pf3000-on-imx6ul-evk-board.patch.   ========================================================================================================================= The attachment SCH-29090 KIT6UL-3001EVM Version C.zip includes i.MX 6UL 14x14 + PMIC PF3001(KIT6UL-3001EVM, SCH-29090 Rev.C) related files: No. Files in SCH-29090 KIT6UL-3001EVM Version C.zip 1 SPF-29090_C.pdf is the corresponding schematic PDF version. 2 SCH-29090_C.zip is the schematic. 3 LAY-29090_C.zip is the PCB layout. 4 750-29090_C BOM.xls is the BOM.   Its i.MX 6UL 14x14 + PMIC PF3001 BSP: Apply PF3001 driver patch in imx_3.14.52_1.1.0_ga http://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/linux-2.6-imx.git/commit/drivers/regulator/pfuze100-regulator.c?h=imx_3.14.52_1.1.0_ga&id=19708058f049be9a5dcc81943d1b9a14080367e8 Update PF3001 dts board file as customer board dts.   Thanks, PMIC team: Sean Liu
Hi nxp,      imx6q  mfgtools not work, can't open;      I download the mfgtools for android 7.1.2_2.0.0, but the size of mfgtools.zip only 4.28Mbytes, the sub dir is clean, no firmware and ucl;     the download from this: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/sps/download/preDownload.jsp  thanks
LTC3676 datasheet Features Quad I 2 C Adjustable High Efficiency Step Down DC/DC Converters: 2.5A, 2.5A, 1.5A, 1.5A Three 300mA LDO Regulators (Two Adjustable) DDR Power Solution with V TT and VTTR Reference Pushbutton ON/OFF Control with System Reset Independent Enable Pin-Strap or I 2 C Sequencing Programmable Autonomous Power-Down Control Dynamic Voltage Scaling Power Good and Reset Functions Selectable 2.25MHz or 1.12MHz Switching Frequency Always Alive 25mA LDO Regulator 12μA Standby Current Low Profile 40-Lead 6mm × 6mm × 0.75mm QFN Package Linux Driver Instructions (Please note that this is a Beta Release Version) The driver is good reference code to illustrate how to communicate with LTC3676 via I2C. The .zip file also includes a test app and readme.txt with instructions. It has been tested with i.MX6Q NovPek board from NovTech. It is configured for the LTC3676-1 but also support LTC3676 by simply changing a flag and there are comments about the minor difference between the -1 and non-1 for the driver. Here is the description and instructions also contained in the included readme file: This package contains the linux driver for LTC3676 and LTC3676-1. It has been tested with i.MX6Q. It also includes a test app. It is configured for the LTC3676-1 but there are internal comments about the minor difference between the -1 and non-1 for the driver. Here are general instructions on how to include this new driver in the Linux build using ltib. You can also see that it is tested with linux-3.0.35 that Freescale has used for i.MX6. 1) cd ltib/rpm/BUILD/linux-3.0.35 (Where your Ltib folder is stored). 2) extract zip file: tar -zxpf LTC3676_Driver.tar.gz 3) Run LTIB configure: ./ltib -c 4) Select "Configure the kernel", exit, and yes to save. 5) When Kernel Menu appears, select "Device Drivers". 6) Select "Voltage and Current Regulator Support". 7) Select "Linear LTC3676 Regulator Driver" to compile into kernel. Don't build as a module. 😎 Exit and Save. 9) Ltib should build the kernel with the driver. Application Instructions: This builds in the ltc3676_1_test application to allow a user to check the regulators and dynamically change the voltage on the ARM core rail. The voltage movement is small to not push the i.MX6 outside normal operation. This test application does not have any overvoltage error checking for safety. It also does not change the processor frequency. It just tests the basic LTC3676 driver operation. 1) cd ltib (Where your Ltib folder is stored). 2) Run "./ltib -m prep -p imx-test" 3) Move the ltc3676_test folder extracted from this tar file: "mv rpm/BUILD/linux-3.0.35/ltc3676_test rpm/BUILD/imx-test-12.09.01/test/." 4) Run "./ltib -m scbuild -p imx-test" 5) Run "./ltib" 6) Burn SD Card, "./mk_mx6_sd -ukr /dev/sdb", /dev/sdb is the name of the SD card. 7) Safely Remove SD Card and install in NOVPEK board. 😎 Power and boot to Linux. 9) Run "cd /unit_test " 10) Run Application, ./ltc3676_1_test i.MX6 Board from NovTech (Click on this link) Schematics for LTC3676-1 Linear Technology Power Plug in Board available. Contact your local Linear Technology sales office Gerard Velcelean (gvelcelean@linear.com) or Steve Knoth (sknoth@linear.com) if you have any questions.
We have a new i.MX283 / i.MX287 SODIMM sized SOM, the CFA-10036: Here are the features that set this module apart: Debug/Console OLED, 128x32 pixels, I2C interface microSD socket to allow huge non-volatile storage at low cost microUSB connector supplies power and console through gadget driver i.MX283 version: 128MB DDR2, 91 GPIO i.MX287 version: 256MB DDR2, 126 GPIO Only a single 5v supply is needed Support included in Linux 3.7 mainline kernel Open software, fully documented hardware This module has a very low cost of entry. At the minimum level, all you need to use it is the module itself and a standard microUSB cable. We also have a debug/prototyping board that adds wired Ethernet and USB A connectors, as well as a generous prototyping area: For the initial production we have this as a project on Kickstarter: CFA-10036 Open, Hackable, Linux + ARM Embedded GPIO Module Please contact CFA10036@crystalfontz.com for production inquiries. | Crystalfontz America, Incorporated | 12412 East Saltese Avenue | Spokane Valley, WA 99216-0357 | http://www.crystalfontz.com | voice (509) 892-1200 fax (509) 892-1203 US toll-free (888) 206-9720
NXP i.MX7 CPU, dual-core Cortex-A7 1GHz Up to 2GB DDR3 and 32GB eMMC 3G/LTE modem, WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n, BT 4.1 2x 1000Mbps Ethernet, 4x USB2, RS485, RS232 Support for PoE powered mode Fanless design in aluminum, rugged housing Miniature size – 10.8 x 8.3 x 2.4 cm Designed for reliability and 24/7 operation Wide temperature range of -40C to 85C Mainline Linux kernel and full Linux BPS IOT-GATE-iMX7 is built around the NXP i.MX7 System-on-Chip featuring an advanced ARM Cortex-A7 CPU coupled with a dedicated real-time ARM Cortex-M4 MCU. The SoC is supplemented with up-to 2GB DDR3 and 32GB of on-board eMMC storage.   Featuring a wide range of embedded interfaces, IOT-GATE-iMX7 is a versatile platform for industrial automation and control systems. Dual Gbit Ethernet, 3G/LTE modem, dual-band 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi and Bluetooth 4.1 make IOT-GATE-iMX7 an excellent solution for networking, communications and IoT applications.   IOT-GATE-iMX7 is provided with a full Board Support Package and ready-to-run images for the Linux operating system. The IOT-GATE-iMX7 BSP includes Linux kernel 4.1.15, Yocto Project file-system and U-Boot boot-loader. In addition, CompuLab will support IOT-GATE-iMX7 with mainline Linux and upstream Yocto Project. IOT-GATE-iMX7 spec IOT-GATE-iMX7 evaluation kit IOT-GATE-iMX7 pricing
iMX6Q SABRE Lite WEC2013 Solution from Adeneo Embedded
The Wandboard is a ultra low power complete computer with high performance multimedia capabilities based around the new upcoming Freescale i.MX6 Cortex-A9 processor and comes with a dazzling 1Ghz processor HDMI display interface and gigabit ethernet. The dualcore version of the Wandboard (The Wandboard DUAL) not only features 1GB of memory but also has onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.     Wandboard Solo Wandboard Dual Processor Freescale i.MX6 Solo Freescale i.MX6 Duallite Cores Cortex-A9 Single core Cortex-A9 Dual core Memory 512 MB DDR3 1 GB DDR3 Audio • • Optical S/PDIF • • HDMI • • Camera interface • • micro SD cardslot 2 2 Serial port • • Expansion Header • • USB • • USB OTG • • SATA connector Not populated Not populated Gigabit LAN • • WIFI (802.11n) • Bluetooth • 69 USD 89 USD   www.wandboard.org Contact person : wandboard@gmail.com
This is a demo of the Nitrogen6X with BD_HDMI_MIPI daughter board. The Nitrogen6X is an i.MX6-based Single Board Computer (SBC) designed for both development and production use.  The BD_HDMI_MIPI daughter board utilizes the Toshiba TC358743XBG HDMI to MIPI CSI part to convert the HDMI signals to MIPI. The BD_HDMI_MIPI can be used with our Nitrogen6X, BD-SL-i.MX6, Nitrogen6_MAX boards as well as the Nitrogen6X_Carrier.  The daughter board can be used for evaluation as well as software development.  Please contact Boundary Devices for custom version. This demo shows the Nitrogen6X running Yocto based on 3.10.17 kernel and displaying the output of our Nitrogen6X_SOM on a 10.1" LG BD101LIC1 display.
iWave's i.MX6 Quad/Dual development kit Rainbow-G15D integrates all standard interfaces into a highly integrated Nano ITX form factor that can be utilized across multiple Embedded PC, Systems and Industrial Designs. It has got all the necessary functions that the embedded application demands. i.MX6 Quad/Dual development kit is supported with Windows Embedded Compact 7 Board Support Package which includes all the major peripherals and devices supported by i.MX6 CPU. With UART debug, CAN and Ethernet, this BSP provides efficient debug and communication support. With SD/MMC, USB and SATA, this BSP provides efficient storage interfaces. The OpenGL and OpenVG provides rich graphics which is further accelerated by the 2D and 3D hardware accelerator of i.MX6 processor. The user can develop rich graphical user interface with Silverlight 3.0 and Expression Blend. Active sync is also available to synchronize the device. iWave Systems has implemented dual display feature on Rainbow G15D which displays the same clone content on two different LVDS display panels. Here we have two LVDS LCDs of XGA resolutions displaying the WEC7 desktop in Rainbow G15D platform. Two 10.4” LVDS LCDs are connected to the i.MX6 Quad CPU. Now you are viewing 1080p MPEG4 video playback on both the LCD screens. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlVOPSjjJq8 Video Link : 1413
Measuring only 70mm by 55mm, the MYS-6ULX designed by MYIR is a high-performance low-cost Single Board Computer (SBC) specially designed for industry and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It is based on NXP i.MX 6UL/6ULL processor family which features the most efficient ARM Cortex-A7 core and can operate at speeds up to 528 MHz. The MYS-6ULX Single Board Computer supports Yocto and Debian OS. Here we take Debian OS as an example.   The programming procedure:      Prepare an SD card. Open the image file of OS “mys6ull-debian8.rootfs.sdcard” with Win32Disk Imager, then program it into the SD card.      Power on the MYS-6ULX board. Insert the SD card to the slot, set the dip switch to 0101. Connect the serial port cable and USB power cable to the board, then power on the board.      Login in the system. The user name is root and the pass word is 123456. View the system information with command cat/etc/issue, the system version is Debian8 as shown below, which means the OS has been programmed into the SD card successfully. The develop environment I work on PC is Ubuntu VMS, ARMGCC compiler is needed to be installed in the Ubuntu VMS. We can check if the compiler is available with instruction arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc–v. Ubuntu16 comes with a 5.4 version compiler as below: We need to install a compiler if the system doesn’t come with one. The toolkit MYIR provided contains that compiler. Open the folder 03-Tools\Toolchain, there is a package named “gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz”. Copy this package into a folder of VMS and use commands below to extract it. xz -dgcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz tar -xfgcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar We would have a file named gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf after unpacking, then use instruction below to set the compiler: export PATH= $PATH:$DEV_ROOT/\gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin exportCROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihfexport ARCH=arm View the compiler version again, the information printed on the screen should be: We can see the compiler version is 4.9.3. Then all the settings of develop environment has been completed.
以下代码摘抄自:uboot 2009源码中board/Freescale/mx6q_sabreauto/flash_header.S #include <config.h> #include <asm/arch/mx6.h> #ifdef CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER #ifndef CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER_OFFSET # error "Must define the offset of flash header" #endif #define CPU_2_BE_32(l) \ ((((l) & 0x000000FF) << 24) | \ (((l) & 0x0000FF00) << 😎 | \ (((l) & 0x00FF0000) >> 😎 | \ (((l) & 0xFF000000) >> 24)) #define MXC_DCD_ITEM(i, addr, val) \ dcd_node_##i: \ .word CPU_2_BE_32(addr) ; \ .word CPU_2_BE_32(val) ; \ .section ".text.flasheader", "x" b _start .org CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER_OFFSET ivt_header: .word 0x402000D1 /* Tag=0xD1, Len=0x0020, Ver=0x40 */ app_code_jump_v: .word _start reserv1: .word 0x0 dcd_ptr: .word dcd_hdr boot_data_ptr: .word boot_data self_ptr: .word ivt_header app_code_csf: .word 0x0 reserv2: .word 0x0 boot_data: .word TEXT_BASE image_len: .word _end_of_copy - TEXT_BASE + CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER_OFFSET plugin: .word 0x0 dcd_hdr: .word 0x40D802D2 /* Tag=0xD2, Len=90*8 + 4 + 4, Ver=0x40 */ write_dcd_cmd: .word 0x04D402CC /* Tag=0xCC, Len=90*8 + 4, Param=0x04 */ #include <config.h> #include <asm/arch/mx6.h> #ifdef CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER #ifndef CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER_OFFSET # error "Must define the offset of flash header" #endif #define CPU_2_BE_32(l) \ ((((l) & 0x000000FF) << 24) | \ (((l) & 0x0000FF00) << 😎 | \ (((l) & 0x00FF0000) >> 😎 | \ (((l) & 0xFF000000) >> 24)) #define MXC_DCD_ITEM(i, addr, val) \ dcd_node_##i: \ .word CPU_2_BE_32(addr) ; \ .word CPU_2_BE_32(val) ; \ .section ".text.flasheader", "x" b _start .org CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER_OFFSET ivt_header: .word 0x402000D1 /* Tag=0xD1, Len=0x0020, Ver=0x40 */ app_code_jump_v: .word _start reserv1: .word 0x0 dcd_ptr: .word dcd_hdr boot_data_ptr: .word boot_data self_ptr: .word ivt_header app_code_csf: .word 0x0 reserv2: .word 0x0 boot_data: .word TEXT_BASE image_len: .word _end_of_copy - TEXT_BASE + CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER_OFFSET plugin: .word 0x0 dcd_hdr: .word 0x40D802D2 /* Tag=0xD2, Len=90*8 + 4 + 4, Ver=0x40 */ write_dcd_cmd: .word 0x04D402CC /* Tag=0xCC, Len=90*8 + 4, Param=0x04 */ 我的疑问是上面代码标红的部分的意义是什么?确切的说,IMX6Q既然规定了IVT在不同的boot devices中的偏移地址,比如我的应用场景是emmc,偏移地址是0x400(1K),那么我的uboot镜像完全可以按照:IVT+uboot本体的格式来构建,这样一来当使用mfg工具烧写uboot镜像时就可以用以下的命令来执行: <CMD state="Updater" type="push" body="$ dd if=$FILE of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=2 ">write U-Boot to sd card</CMD> 而不是默认的命令(跳过uboot.bin前0x400的字节): <CMD state="Updater" type="push" body="$ dd if=$FILE of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=2 skip=2">write U-Boot to sd card</CMD> 这样看,那么flash_header.S前面的0x400字节是不是多余的呢,还是有什么特别的用处,如果直接把这种uboot.bin烧写到emmc的0x400处(不跳过uboot.bin前0x400的字节,即b _start, .org CONFIG_FLASH_HEADER_OFFSET),那是不是就直接会调整到_start函数开始执行,而不会进行DCD相关的配置?
use AdvancedToolKit1.71 earse NANDFLASH,display error ,why ?      FLASH     K9F2G08U0C-SIB0