I was using IAR workbench for my project before in which I have added the required buffer size in the .icf linker file(Symbols defined in the intflash_sramdata.icf linker command file.). But due to some reason I want to port my project to MCUXpressoIDE. I have ported the project but I am getting error for buffers which I have added in the linker file.
Like error: undefined reference to _BUFFER_SIZE_
What is the option for linker file in the MCUXPressoIDE like the .icf linker file in the IARWorkbench?
How to add the _BUFFER_SIZE_ in the linker file MCUXPressoIDE?
If any example is there for my reference, please share here.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Naveed ,
Please use the following area to add the memory location:
Wish it helps you!
Best Regards,