I would like to place my global data in SDRAM and every time I do this I get a hard fault (IMPRECISERR (2) Imprecise data bus error). I selected "BOARD_SDRAM" for Global data placement under C/C++ Build -> Settings -> MCU Linker ->Managed Linker Script. Is there something else I need to do to make this work?
I'm using the sdcard_fatfs_freertos example out of the SDK.
It seems to me the SDRAM is not getting initialized soon enough. It is currently being initialized in BOARD_InitBootPeripherals(); but it seems that this being called in main() is too late. Rather SDRAM must be initialized in startup_mimxrt1021.c in the ResetISR(void) routine before it attempts to copy data sections from flash to SRAM. Is this possible to do?