Anyone knows where I can get the SVD file for the iMXRT1010 chip?
you can find it here:
Thanks so much! I appreciate it.
Hi @gfisys ,
You can extract the CMSIS-SVD files from the NXP MCUXpresso SDK: they are just using an .xml extension instead of the standard .svd one.
Thanks for the tip @jingpan
I searched the SDK folder and subfolders, but the only xml file that looks like an svd file is this one: 'MIMXRT1011xxxxx_manifest_v3_10.xml'. I tried to load this file into my Segger embedded studio IDE, but it doesn't seem to recognize it as a proper SVD file. Is that the correct file?
@jingpan can you tell me the exact location inside the MCUExpresso SDK where the xml file you mentioned resides? Cause I can't find the file. Or, if you have the file can you send it to me? Thanks.