Whether ENET_RXBD_NUM value affects receiving interrupt response

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Whether ENET_RXBD_NUM value affects receiving interrupt response

Contributor I

I use RT1064, SDK version 2.9.0. The test scenario is that two RT1064 boards send and receive Ethernet messages to each other. The boards are synchronized with the master clock. A timestamp is obtained when sending and another timestamp is obtained when receiving an interrupt. The difference time is the network transmission time. But when ENET_ RXBD_ NUM is 4, I found that the network transmission time is more than 4ms, while ENET_ RXBD_ NUM is 1, the network transmission time is 200us. Why is the difference so large? I have not set RXIC.
Question 1: If ENET_ RXBD_ NUM is set to 1, will it affect the received data and cause frame loss?
Question 2: When I ENET_ RXBD_NUM is set to 4, I find it seems that the time to receive interrupt response is longer than ENET_ RXBD_ NUM is set to 1,Why?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @hubo1 

I recommend you to use the earliest versions of the SDK, since it could cause an issue between the IDE and the example. I'll be looking into your issue. Please let me know if updating the SDK helps you.

Best Regards, Miguel.

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