I bought a SLN-ALEXA-IOT development kits. power on and then connect phone. but phone search can't find the kits. I connect the serial port of the kits and check the serial port log:
[main]getRadioState : 0
[main](ffs_ble)Enable Radio
[ASSERT]Triggered in file .queue.c , line 1981
[ASSERT]Triggered in file .queue.c , line 1981
[ASSERT]Triggered in file .queue.c , line 1981
[ASSERT]Triggered in file .queue.c , line 1981
In the user guide documentation, BT is enable during this step. was the error i encountered a hardware glitch in the kits board or a software bug? How do I need to operate to connect the phone?
I hope you can help me.
Hi @amoszhou
I have answered you directly about this case. Please take a look into my response on your email.
Ok, do you mind letting all of us in on the solution, because I paid 300$ for this thing, it just showed up and I am getting the exact same log.
HI edwin
sorry I don't seem to have received your email. my email add: z1312431054@outlook.com
Hi @amoszhou,
The email I’m referring to was sent via tech.support@nxp.com, from the cases you opened on the case service portal. Please let me know if you received them successfully.
We found that the WiFi on the dev board was working properly, but the Bluetooth was not working.
This is my boot log